Another Mammoth found in Michigan

Koot van Wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD) Visiting Professor, Department of Liberal Education, Kyungpook National Unversity, Sangju Campus, South Korea, Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College, Australia.

A spectacular find again in Michigan is the partial remains of a Mammoth, wrongly allocated to about 10000-15000 years ago, but that is impossible biblically since the Worldwide catastrophe that killed all animals on earth was in the year 2682 BCE. It means it died 2682+2015 = 4697 years ago.

Prof. Daniel Fisher of Michigan University Ann Arbor was immediately convinced that it is a mammoth. The farmer was sinking a hole when the one rib came up but they thought it is a bended pole. Nearly 30 Mammoths were found over the years in Michigan.

The mammoth is not complete since the hindlegs are gone. Because so many parts are missing, and because they found stone-like tools near the animals skull, the University specialists are thinking that paleo-Indians lived the same time and they have killed the animal and butchered it, planning to come and eat the meat later. The animal was found 10ft deep.

The conclusion is a bit optimistic and artificially placed in a narrative too quickly. We do not know for sure if the animal was “butchered” by another dinosaur, or whether humans in later ages made a similar discovery than Michigan University and carried off some parts for whatever reason in paleo times. To attach humans to the missing parts is maybe possible since they are working with the data first hand but then one has to proof it in some way or another and then there is the time element, when was the animal killed? Did the humans find it long after it was killed? How do we know they “butchered” it? The issue of continental drift has been pondered over by many. It is the theory that long ago all continents were basically linked and that humans and animals could freely move and migrate from one end of earth to the other. However, sinkholes, earthquakes, paleo-climatology and other factors caused the “continental separation” as we have it today. All this could have happened after the Flood of Noah and did not have had to occur millions of years ago or even 10000 years ago. Scientists need to remove their Lyell glasses and Darwin mentality and think more strictly on options around the data. The Bible is the only Ancient Near Eastern document which intended to date the origin of earth and the date of the Flood. It has to be respected for that especially as there are clear evidence to proof that the biblical chronology is absolutely correct. A couple of Kassite documents used by John Brinkman for his doctorate in 1976 but not fully understood, since they were Distanzangaben, actually proves the Bible to be correct. Articles to this effect will be written in future to explain this find. Andrews University in Berrien Springs have their own complete skeleton of a mammoth in the science lab on campus.


Sky News, “Farmer Thought Mammoth was ‘Bent Fence Post’ (4th October 2015)