샘물과 같은 보혈은
There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood

1. There is a fountain filled with blood
drawn from Emmanuel's veins;
and sinners plunged beneath that flood
lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains,
lose all their guilty stains;
and sinners plunged beneath that flood
lose all their guilty stains.

fountain: 샘, 수원
blood: 피
draw: 끌어당기다
Emmanuel: "하나님이 우리와 함께 계시다“라는 뜻의 예수님의 칭호중 하나
vein: 정맥, 혈관
plunge: 던져넣다, 뛰어들다
beneath: 아래에
flood: 홍수, 범람, 넘침
guilty: 죄를 범한, 유죄의
stain: 더럼, 얼룩

2. The dying thief rejoiced to see
that fountain in his day;
and there may I, though vile as he,
wash all my sins away.
Wash all my sins away,
wash all my sins away;
and there may I, though vile as he,
wash all my sins away.

die: 죽다
thief: 도둑, 절도
rejoice: 기뻐하다
vile: 비열한, 나쁜, 무가치한
though vile as he: 그 사람처럼 무가치하나
wash away: 깨끗하게 씻다, 씻어 없애다

3. Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood
shall never lose its power
till all the ransomed church of God
be saved, to sin no more.
Be saved, to sin no more,
be saved, to sin no more;
till all the ransomed church of God
be saved, to sin no more.

dear: 친애하는, 귀중한
lamb: 어린양
precious: 비싼, 귀중한, 가치있는
ransom: 몸값[배상금]을 치르고 되찾다, 속죄하다
church: 교회

4. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream
thy flowing wounds supply,
redeeming love has been my theme,
and shall be till I die.
And shall be till I die,
and shall be till I die;
redeeming love has been my theme,
and shall be till I die.

faith: 믿음
stream: 흐름
flow: 흐르다
wound: 상처
supply: 공급하다
redeem: 되찾다, 회복하다, 구속하다

5. Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
I'll sing thy power to save,
when this poor lisping, stammering tongue
is ransomed from the grave.
is ransomed from the grave,
is ransomed from the grave;
when this poor lisping, stammering tongue
is ransomed from the grave.

noble: 고상한
lisp: 불완전하게 발음하다
stammer: 말을 더듬다
tongue:  혀, 언어능력
ransom: 몸값[배상금]을 치르고 되찾다, 속죄하다
grave: 무덤

Text: William Cowper, 1770 (1731-1800)
Music: 19th cent. USA campmeeting melody