Sabbath Sanctity: Jesus = Yahweh the Lawgiver, talking to Marthas in the Kitchen

Koot van Wyk and SookYoung Kim 9th of July 2016

Pulpit verse: Maleachi 3:16-18 and Maleachi 4:4-5

3:16 그 때 에 여 호 와 를 경 외 하 는 자 들 이 피 차 에 말 하 매 여 호 와 께 서 그 것 을 분 명 히 들 으 시 고 여 호 와 를 경 외 하 는 자 와 그 이 름 을 존 중 히 생 각 하 는 자 를 위 하 여 여 호 와 앞 에 있 는 기 념 책 에 기 록 하 셨 느 니 라

만 군 의 여 호 와 가 이 르 노 라 내 가 나 의 정 한 날 에 그 들 로 나 의 특 별 한 소 유 를 삼 을 것 이 요 또 사 람 이 자 기 를 섬 기 는 아 들 을 아 낌 같 이 내 가 그 들 을 아 끼 리 니

그 때 에 너 희 가 돌 아 와 서 의 인 과 악 인 이 며 하 나 님 을 섬 기 는 자 와 섬 기 지 아 니 하 는 자 를 분 별 하 리 라

4:4 너 희 는 내 가 호 렙 에 서 온 이 스 라 엘 을 위 하 여 내 종 모 세 에 게 명 한 법 곧 율 례 와 법 도 를 기 억 하 라

보 라 ! 여 호 와 의 크 고 두 려 운 날 이 이 르 기 전 에 내 가 선 지 엘 리 야 를 너 희 에 게 보 내 리 니

16 Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name.

17 “On the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession.  I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. 

18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.

“Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel.

“See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.”


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The following verse is God’s special “Point-Card” or “Bonus-Card”. A lot of promises is attached to the keeping of the Sabbath the way God wants us to keep it.

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Now Jesus stands next to Martha in the Kitchen while she is standing with a pan in the hand and He said to her the following:

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Sabbath cannot be chosen by us or any saint or any pope or any church or any religion. It is chosen by God and if we want to keep it, we need to ask God how and when He wants us to keep it. Keeping it His way and not ours, it is a sign between God and us not between us and God.

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Some highlights of Ellen White on Sabbath Sanctity. No cooking should be done on that day.

Some Note:

We know that the 1260 years started in 538 and ended in 1798. We also know that it was the period of the Antichrist abomination and persecution of the saints. Exactly in 538, Justinian the emperor was reigning. A lawyer that loved making and breaking his own laws and changing them, a man that controlled “times” since he wanted his reign year (year XII or year 12 = 538) to be placed on coins. He allowed the Council of Orleans in 538 in Burgundy to conclude just the opposite of what Ellen White is saying here:

From the Diary of Hiram Edson (1847) page 26 the following is taken:

 “In the sixth century efforts were made to prevent this labor. The following promulgation of a synod held by command King Junthran, of Burgundy, will show the condition of things, and the means used to improve them: “We see the Christian people, in an unadvised manner, deliver to contempt the Dominical day, and, as in other days, indulge in continual labor. Therefore they determined to teach the people subject to them, to keep the dominical day, which, if not observed by the lawyer, he should irreparably lose his cause, but if a countryman or servant did not keep it, he should be beaten with heavier blows of eudgels. The council of Orleans, held 538, prohibited the country labor on Sunday, which Constantine, by his laws, permitted. This council also declared, “that to hold it unlawful to travel with horses, cattle and carriages, to prepare food, or to do anything necessary to the cleanliness and decency of houses or persons, savors more of Judaism than Christianity. In another council held at Narbonne, in France, in the seventh century, they also forbid this country work.” (Edson 26). Find the original in the James White Library Archives online at Adventist Studies. It is a PDF file. Beautiful and clear).


The following verse is like a sandwich with toast, jam and toast. The first toast is that people should eat on Sabbath. The second toast is the fact that it is on a Sabbath day. The jam is special. If a quest or someone comes who did not prepare a meal “whom nothing is prepared”, then ask your neigbors or other Adventist friends to bring or give you food to give the person since you did not prepare for this person. The old idea that God will understand because nothing is available is a serious oversight of this verse’ implications.


Ellen White points out in the next quotation that food may be warmed on Sabbath but not prepared.


Ellen White said that God’s restrictions are not meant to be disregarded. He means that Friday should be used to prepare food for Sabbath.


Ellen White do not suggest that we do the dishes on Sabbath.


Jesus counseled his disciples that long after He will be gone, the should still keep the Sabbath and also keep its sanctity the way He embedded it in the commandments.


The Sabbath is “My Sabbath” and does not belong to us. Sunday is our day and does not belong to the Lord. Ascribing a day to the Lord comes from the earth to heaven, like Sunday-observance. Sabbath comes from heaven to the earth. That is why Saturday Sabbath is His sign not ours.


Dear Lord

Thank you for Your clear instructions. We also want to be listed in Your book of Remembrance. We also want to be counted among those saved to experience eternal glory. We commit ourselves and venture to keep Your day to Your honor and not ours. Amen

Sabbath Sanctity the way of God and not man or woman.pdf