Are PPT worships pollution? 
Is PPT the same as images in the church? Can we put trees next to the pulpit? 
Can we put the Video Screen or PPT Screen at the back of the wall? Deuteronomy 16:21-22 is relevant here. Verse 21 says that we are not to put trees next to the altar. Verse 22 says that we are not to put images next to the altar. God doesn't like that. 
What do we do now? 
The preacher preaches weekly with the PPT behind the pulpit. Yes but people read the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. 
And what about the Movies that are also shown? 
What about the non-kosher photos? 
Illustration photos? 
Something is wrong and there is a picture to show what is wrong? 
Now it gets complicated. 
Virtual images are also images. Correct or not? 
Digital images are virtual images. 
So what do we do now? 
Let's start with the text. 
Where is the altar in the church? Pulpit? 
That's what Catholics say. 
Their direction orients their churches so that the altar is on the east side. 
People sit facing the East. Oops. 
The Tabernacle was the opposite of a Catholic church today. The altar was on the East side but, people all looked West. 
But do we not preach Christ the Lamb of God and He actually died in the place of the Lamb on the altar on the East side of the Tabernacle? 
For Adventists, it doesn't matter which way the pulpit is. 
So is the pulpit the altar of the Lord? 
Answer. Maybe not because the Sanctuary is in Heaven and that is where Christ went to serve for us. 
His altar was on Calvary once, says the book of Hebrews.
So the altar is not needed in heaven. 
Is there a Most Holy zone behind the pulpit? 
No. There are not ten commandments and an ark in our congregations. 
Is the church the replacement of the tabernacle or not? No. When the Veil was torn in two, the Heavenly ministry took on reality. 
Jesus went to the Father to gain acceptance of the Sacrifice (Psalm 110:1). 
Where? In Heaven. 
God acts from the Temple in Heaven. 
All decisions come from the Temple in Heaven. 
So if the pulpit in the front of the church is not the altar, then trees next to the pulpit are not from Deuteronomy and not applicable to the pulpit. Not true? 
Actually yes. But God does not like trees because there are green disciples who want to make a god out of trees. 
Mother earth's children. Does that make sense? 
So maybe one shouldn't put trees on stage. 
The idols of Israel were trees and God was very angry about them even though He created them. 
So what about PPT as a virtual image behind the pulpit? Same. Because the pulpit is not the altar of Deuteronomy 16:21-22, the virtual image is therefore not a problem. 
But, the fact is that God does not want images near his place of worship. 
PPT is maybe blasphemous worship pollution. 
That's why I no longer watch PPT and no photos or videos on the canvas behind the pulpit. Does that make sense?