---Paul asks us to ask for a garment from Christ.

---In the midst of all the nonsense around us, Paul says "but".

---Despite a world collapsing around us, seize the opportunity and overcome the problem with a dressing-up with our Lord Jesus Christ.

---To properly understand Paul in Romans 13:14 we will start at the back and then go forward.

---The robe of righteousness is needed and Job 29:14 speaks of it. (Thanks pastor Ettienne McClintock from Australia for the text)

---We know that Satan targeted him.

---He remained standing like a pole. His secret is the robe of righteousness.

---Adam and Eve lost their garment of righteousness when they sinned.

---We don't know we are naked but if our clothes suddenly disappear we will know it.

---If you have clothes on, people cannot see your nakedness.

---If we have the garment of Christ on, Satan cannot find us. He was still tempting us when we asked for the garment of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Where is she? Where is he?” Satan asked totally confused. "He was here now and now he's gone?"

---Paul says “put on the Lord Jesus Christ”. Romans 13:14 first part.

---The garment makes invisible and invisibility has to do with the immediate overcoming of temptation.

---Our will is intertwined with the will of the Holy Spirit. 1 + 1. If we have the garment on.

---We do not want to sin. We are not looking for it.

---We live in peace and happiness. But then Satan comes before Christ and declares that we are not susceptible to temptation, because Christ gives the garment and because the Holy Spirit is intertwined with our will. He claims that the Holy Spirit controls our will to conform with all kinds of holy tricks.

---Christ unzips the garment and says: “Tempt him/her. You will see that it is his/her will, not the Holy Spirit that compels him/her."

---Satan tempts but the Christian prays “Lead us not into temptation. They add, But clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ".

---The zip closes. Immediately. The temptation has been overcome! Thanks to Christ as Jude 24 says.

---Now we are ready to get to the heart of the text.

---What temptation does Paul have in mind in Romans 13:14? There are many temptations available to Satan daily. He is the R&D of temptation.

---Paulus explains how the problem arises and what we should not do.

---The problem arises, according to the Greek of Romans 13:14 in the pronoian. These are the pre-thoughts. So, fantasy or imagination.

---The imagination of the flesh [tes sarkes] is the imagination about the body of man without the Holy Spirit. This is not good.

---Let's give an example. Nero became emperor in Rome at 17 after the brutal Calgula died.

---Initially he was very popular, and made beautiful music with his voice and lyre that had the audiences on their feet.

---His lifestyle then became a problem and we must mention it because it is an example of what Paul is talking about here.

---Nero mutilated a young man in his private parts and later went with him/it in the streets to entertain the people with his new "girl". This is fantasy and forethought or pronoian of Nero.

---There are other terrible things that Nero did that Suetonius, his biographer, tells about, but one's ears will turn red if one has to mention them.

---It is premeditated objectives or planning to go out on the streets deviantly to entertain audiences. The imagination is a mental problem, a pro-noian. It is an imagination of the flesh or tes sarkes.

---It is a carnal focus of the fantasy on the body.

---So what does Paul say is the solution?

---Don't do it. Me poiesthesthe.

---Don't take part in it. Don't go any further with it. Leave it alone. Step away. Turn around. Refuse. Give way.

---This is what not doing means.

---Don't do what of the flesh?

---The identification now follows in the Greek: eis epithumias. To desire.

---What desires? Tes sarkes = carnal.

---Summary now: Do not imagine or fantasize the carnal desires in advance and do not do or bring about the carnal desires.

---In order not to do this, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.

---Does it make more sense now?