Flood Evidence in the Sangju Region of South Korea

Koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

Visiting Professor

Department of Liberal Arts Education

Kyungpook National University

Sangju Campus

South Korea

Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College


Uniformatism of Science suffers this great headache that all data from various angles indicate that Catastrophism has more data in their favor that in the past there occurred a major Flood, of immense proportion. It has to be if you find large fossil fish on top of a mountain in Amman. Most fossils of animals that are found or discovered indicate that they are overtaken by a surprise catastrophe. Mammals, that looked like elephants with hair on them, are found with food still in their mouths. And still the majority of conventional science is playing the harp of Classical Evolutionism as the backbone of the origin of all things and Uniformatism as the method to proof it. They are using the glasses of Lyell to look at the past and refuse to do otherwise (the wise words of John Mackay against Richard Dawkins in a Youtube interview).

Sangju is a large region in South Korea that stretches many kilometers in diameter. Many mountains are situated in the region.

When one wish to look for evidence of the Flood in Sangju, then there is the nice example in Chongri-2 near the lake up the road, right next to the house of the SDA elder, elder Song, an elder from Chongri Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The picture 1 displays the white lines of the layers on the cut across the road next to the lake/dam. Hard rock is found between the layers so that this consistent white proliferation, could not have originated over millions of years, for the white proliferation is a layer then rock then a layer and then rock again and so it continues. Will the wind and rain and storms create a white phase for a couple of thousand years and then the rock kind step in for another thousand or ten years to form a half a meter separation for another white layer to form for thousand or ten thousand years just to be followed by another ten or thousand years of brown rock material to lay another half a meter or so? This is hardly possible. This is what is expected by the Uniformitarian Scientists of today but look at the break in the white layer on the left. It appears that an earthquake in the past has sunk the straight lined layers to break off and with the center sinking the sides turned at an angle of 45 degrees on the right and similar on the left but in the opposite direction. Such an earthquake is not Uniformatism but Catastrophism. It need not be related to the flood and could have been shortly after the flood when the material was just hardened enough to keep their posture of proliferation.

For another example in the Sangju Region, one needs to climb a mountain about 1054 meters to see the following proliferation in the rock 2. It is situated on the main course up the mountain and just before one climbs the final steps to the top of the mountain on a ball like rock. This object is on the floor cut away manually in order to make it easy for pedestrians to approach the final rock. It is next to the monument stela that they have erected there with some information for tourists. The big question is, what is it? The rock around the split is uniform. The broke off parts can be followed higher up on the right and the tempted conclusion is to suggest that it is a fossilized tree. If our estimation is correct, then a number of questions are parked in the court of the Uniformists. How can Classical Darwinism in a gradual evolution over millions of years create this tree like object surrounded by equally hard solid rock around it? How can a tree become fossilized and not disintegrate as is normal of trees in the ground?

Our third example 3 is coming from collections of Flood Evidence that are in the Gaon Mine Museum, which is part of the Mungyang Region. It is also near the Sangju Region and near Mungyang. It is a fossilized spider and other insects surrounding it. It is unlikely that brittle insects like this will sit for millions of years to be fossilized. It is not only scientific unlikely but scientifically impossible.

The fourth example 4 from this Mine Museum in Gaon, Mungyang, South Korea, is probably purchased in the USA and brought here. It is fossilized small fish in the rock. They were overtaken by a catastrophe since it is impossible, taking the decay process as reality, for these fish to remain in this prime condition for millions of years, not even for three weeks.   

The fifth example is also from the Mine Museum in Gaon. It is a Fossil Ammonite.

The same examples can be seen in the Sahmyook University Biblical Archaeological Museum, Seoul. Example 6 is from the Sahmyook University Museum.

Example 7 is fossilized Pine Cones. In the Sahmyook University Museum.

Example 8 is a fossilized tooth of a Megalodon, also in the Sahmyook University Museum.

Example 9 is a Fossil Annularia/ Sphenophyllum species bought in France.

On the right of it is a Fossil Stigmaria. It is coming from Kangwhando at the Hwambaek Mountain. It is also in the Sahmyook University Museum.

Example 10 is from Germany but in the Sahmyook University Museum. It is a Fossil Water Strider. It comes from Solnhoven, Pavaria, Germany. There is no way this brittle insect can fossilized over with Classical Darwinianism over millions of years.

Example 11 is a Fossil Dragonfly which was obtained in Brazil. It is also in the Sahmyook University Museum.

On the right is a Fossil Cricket in the same exhibit.

The diagram on the Patriarchal Ages at Maturity and Death 12 indicates that there was a sudden drop in the length people lived after the great Flood. Global conditions were different after the Flood than before the Flood.

The Hebrew Bible provides data of the Flood and its length in the following way 13.

In 14 and 15 there is a comparison of the Masoretic Text (Hebrew); the Greek or LXX; the book of Jubilees; the Aramaic Targum Pseudo-Jonathan; the Aramaic Targum Onkelos; the Syriac Peshitta.

The versions may differ due to errors of various kinds that slipped in through transmission through the ages (slips of the hand, tongue, ear, eyes and memory), but the most reliable information is the Hebrew Text of the Masoretic Text.

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