The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Ephesians in the series Lesson 12, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: Ephesians 6 and Standing in Heaven, earth today and Rome in 64 AD for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Ephesians.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 154ff.

The allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

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---We need to update ourselves about Daily Life in Rome because that is where Paul is sitting in a cell, waiting for his courtcase while Nero is dining every night until midnight.

---The emperor Trajan liked gladiators and one time he had 350 pairs of gladiators.

---Nero in his Neronia had competitive endurance fights for the public and display of poetry and songs. (Carcopino 1938 Daily Life in Rome page 244).

---Domitian the emperor under whom John of Revelation lived, had competition games like boxing, foot races and for eloquence, for Latin poetry, for discus-throwing and Greek poetry, for javelin- casting and for music (Carcopino page 245).

---Romans liked games: odd and even games, dice games, gambling, backgammon, chess, nuts (our marble games).

---Romans had large baths. Domitian had a bath of 13 hectares. There are shops, gardens, and different kinds of baths: hot bath, cold bath, bath with hot air, fountains spraying water, small baths for private baths, massage centers, gymnasiums for body weight lifting, dining rooms.

---Woman could bath in the morning until 5 pm. Then men could bath. Reason is that they do not wear clothes.

---So Paul had lots to warn about in the book of Ephesians. Correct?

---Christ went up to heaven at Crucifixion and sat next to His father for acceptance like Psalm 110:1 said would happen.

---Then He stood in the Holies and stood as Advocate in the Most Holies during the Heavenly Investigative Courtcase.

---Raymond Cottrell was a very good Adventist and then changed and became the first Adventist to be a member of the Evangelical Society.

---In his autobiography at the James White Library one learn of all his bad intentions and actions trying to destroy Adventist doctrine, helping Women Ordination activists, trying to close down on high views of Ellen White, trying to destroy the Investigative Judgment view, trying to bring in preterism instead of historicism into our prophecy. What made him angry is that the presidents did not want to follow him, even the liberal president Figuhr in the 1960’s. He said he was angry.

---So Christ stands in the Investigative Judgment in the Heavenly Court.

---We are to combat standing on earth.

---Since Paul is in Rome and since gladiators is a daily event, they fall and stand up, Paul asks us also to remain standing.

---Do you have someone in your congregation that is similar to Cottrell? Pray for him or her. They have a problem. Correct?