---How many of you know that Paul was in prison when he dictated the book of Ephesians to an enabled Greek Christian who wrote it for him?

Source: Walker, Cayce, "The Reign of Nero: A Delusional Journey to Suicide" (2020). Student Research Submissions. 336. https://scholar.umw.edu/student_research/336

---That it was in the year AD 64 and that he was awaiting court proceedings.

---The emperor of the year was only 27 years old. He became emperor when he was 17.

---Ellen White says in Counsels on Diets and Foods that over-eating without the knife to the throat leads to brain congestion and clouds over the mind.

---This emperor of Paul's year loved his eating. He stretched out his dinners from six o'clock until midnight. They lie down and eat. Like seals. Roman custom in those days.

---The emperor loved to sing and play the lyre and of course to be an actor in dramas and tragedies.

---When the senate is in session, they called him but he said that he was doing voice exercises.

---He had to sign many documents and his biographer says that he once remarked: "The biggest mistake in my life is that I learned to write".

---He liked to entertain people. So he raised salaries, abolished taxes, and acted as an actor in Greek dramas.

---Once he got a few thousand young people to learn three claps to congratulate him: hum sound, bowl clap and the flat clap.

---But now comes the tragic. His way of life began to affect his mind as Ellen White rightly warns.

---His neck is very thick as you can see on his coin piece. We are talking about Emperor Nero's coin from the year 64 AD. A lot of eating and drinking.

---He had a skin problem with many pimples on his face.

---His mother always dictated to him what he should do or not do, and then he decided to kill her. Four times he tried and then he faked his own assassination and said she wanted to kill him and that is how she came to the end of her life.

---He killed his stepbrother.

---He went into the streets late at night after midnight supper, beating people and breaking open shops and stealing. There are many more things he did but they are so ugly that we will not mention them. His biographer Suetonius did not remain silent about this.

---This is Roman equal justice with the emperor who must listen to Paul and Peter's defense as to why they were falsely accused. Hello.

---Then in the year of Paul's death and Peter's death his men set fire to buildings and he sat on the roof and saw them burning and accused the Christians and many were persecuted, tortured and killed. 27 years old and as crazy as a rabbit. Maybe you have rabbits as pets. Oh leave the rabbit. He is crazy. That's all.

---Paul and Peter had no chance with this man even though they were totally innocent.

---After the death of Paul and Peter he became even more mad. They called him to the Senate because a rebellion against him has broken out. He said to the Senate, "You can wait, I'm enjoying my athletics meeting now".

---When he finally got to the Senate, he fainted. When he regained consciousness, he told them to kill all the generals in the army and also all the foreigners. "Then there will be no more rebellion". Hello.

---So Paul uses in Ephesians a rare word in the New Testament: world power or kosmokratos. Nero was the world power but Paul changes it to Christ as that power. Correct, right?

---When Nero finally came to his senses about the rebellion, he ordered soldiers to line up for battle. No one joined!

---"Alright, stay at home, I will use homeless, unemployed and beggars as soldiers".

---At the age of 30, three years after Paul and Peter's death, he commits suicide. He died a lonely young musician and actor. It's not just in our days that musicians and actors kill themselves?

---Modern young politicians can learn a lot from Nero? Not true?