The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Ephesians in the series Lesson 8, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Sola Fide not in the Bible for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Ephesians”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 104.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---Or try in alternative this one:

---Paul is more and more unpacking the responsibilities of someone who is repented and saved by Grace.

---Six vices should be totally “all” removed. Anger is one of them.

---The kindness of the Holy Spirit is to be taken seriously.

---There were people who left Christian life for 30 years and then got converted and came back! What a pleasant day for the Holy Spirit who through the 30 years were waiting kindly.

---Those who are older Adventists. Can you remember the Des Ford years between 1974-1980?

---The purple, blue, green, yellow and red Spectrums that were printed in 1977 to expound Lutherism on a plate for Adventism: sola Scriptura, sola Gratia, sola Fide and, and?

---And then in 1980 the Glazier View conference came together with hundreds of our scholars and teachers and pastors and admin.

---Des Ford was branded a heretic and lost his license.

---Why? He tried to lutheranize the Adventist church with sauces of preterism over everything, from Little Horn, Sanctuary in Heaven, Atonement and Second Coming of Christ.

----Well, what Adventist may not know about, is that at the same time as these storms were in the Adventist church, storms were at Westminster Theological Seminary between 1974-1982.

---As Ford and others were pushing for the Question and Answers paradigm shift from Douglas, Andreasen views to that of Froom and others since 1957, insisting everything at the cross with sola fide of Luther, so the opposite happened with a systematic theology professor at Westminster Theological Seminar in Pennsylvania.

---Norman Shepherd was a systematic theology professor of fame at WTS between 1962-1982. In 1974 he questioned whether Luther had the right to speak of justification sola fide since the word sola does not appear in the Bible. Paul did not use it.

---In fact, Shepherd basically wanted to Douglasize or Ellen White-tise Calvinism, by saying that James 2:24 said explicitly that salvation is not by faith only. James used the word only.

---Therefore, although we are saved by the merits of Christ there is a responsibility of good works and obedience expected of us.

---For seven years between 1974-1981 they were trying to remove Shepherd from the seminary. Every committee found him innocent. He was speaking like Reformed Theology and like the Westminster Confession.

---But in November 1981 he was suddenly dismissed.

---Everyone thought that he was wrong then.

---But in 2009 appeared a review doctoral on Norman Shepherd and it was found that he was accused wrongly and that he was right.

---To demonize the Catholics position of good works in his day, Luther invented the sola fide principle. He invented sola.


---Adventists did the right thing to remove Desmond Ford from his role in 1980. Calvinists did wrong to remove Norman Shepherd from his role at Westminster Theological Seminary in November 1981. But the doctoral in 2009 by Ian Hewitson displayed that the decision in November 1981 was wrong. Truth triumphant.

---Is you pastor preaching one-sided playing the Luther harp? Does he say anything about obedience and keeping the law, keeping Sabbath?

---Is he watering down doctrines at every baptism ceremony?

---If that is the trend, move. When? Now.