The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 3, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: Mission in Noah and Abraham’s times for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 32-33.

The allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now:

---God’s principle is seeking His lost sheep. And it was supposed to be that way throughout the Old Testament.

------"Though Scripture does not say it explicitly, Ellen White says that they didn't trust God's promise that He would never destroy the earth with water again (Gen. 9:14, 15). They intended to build for their own perceived safety rather than to trust God's Word."

---Modern nations fashion themselves with Lotte Tower projects. Why do they do it? It is a show of magnimity.

---Every country has this itch. Nearly every country has this high tower. The owner of the Highest two or Twin Towers in Kwala-Lampur is a Chinese Christian who paid 23 million dollars to bring Pavarotti and the big three to Bath in England to sing “It is well with my soul”!

---Hello Saudi Arabia, Hello Korea, Hello Japan, Hello USA, Hello who else are having a show of magnimity.

---Ellen White is in my opinion correct. The Flood was in the year 2692 BC. A few years later, the people moved away from that area after the unsuccessful building of a unified structure to save them from illusionary future disasters.

---So when the languages changed, the moved also to Egypt and built Pyramids for the same reason. Triangular structures that will withstand the big currents and waves of a lot of water covering the earth.

---But what about the Chalcolithic period and so forth? My conclusion? “Paleolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolicthic and similar terms used before the Flood of Noah in 2523 2692 BCE are just seriations that either co-existed and places or followed each other in quick succession.

---Cave-dwelling phenomena are even modern so that throughout history people lived in caves due to emergencies.

---The catastrophic Flood of Noah was one of such emergencies where people had to live in caves in order to survive.

---When they started migrating to other continents in 2400 BCE, they did not find a Motel Six waiting for them and a cave was the only way to survive.

---Flint tools and all related ceramics and objects are all post-2523 2692  BCE in possible seriation correctly allocated by modern scholars. The seriation does not need to change but the date allocation does”.


---So what is the result? Scholars today do not have chronology. They have seriations. A Seriations method is not a chronological method. It is a state-of-ordering method. Correct? It tells you the correct ordering of items but not the chronology of the items.

---So nations were trying to avoid a drowning in the desert where there is no mountains to hope to escape to. No trust in God. They must build a Ziggurat in the center of Babylon. A step temple that reach up high to the sky. Safety is in the sky and not on a flooded earth.

---“How old do you think the world is?” Ben Stein asked Richard Dawkins in an interview. “I do not know. I do not want to put a number to it” Richard Dawkins said. Source: See Youtube.

---Genesis 12:1 and Hebrew 11:8 talks about the calling of the mission of Abraham. He was not called to be just another nation or another blessed nation.

---He was called for a mission. He is going to represent Yahweh where he is going.

---God did not change His agenda. It is the same with us today.

---Jesus’ Mission to the disciples was just a reiteration of the Mission to Abraham. He left not knowing where he was going. We charter new ways of living not knowing where we will end up. New ideas to spread the Word. Correct?

---When Abraham came there in what is called Israel today, there were squatters from other nations living there called by an umbrella name “Canaanites”. They were Hittites from Turkey area, Hurrians, Arameans from the Deserts, Hivvites that were probably Egyptians and even Kassites from Babylon area. Not one nation and not one language. Squatters.

---We are also confronted with daily challenges in our lives on all levels. Push through towards God and for God and do not replace or substitute God for something else.

---The Dutch Reform Church in South Africa is currently shaking and it is called dolering or “crying”.

---The church is split in two and within weeks they will know if it will break away from the mother church who wants to cling to loose values of transexualism, gay ministries, gay marriages, non-biblical practices of ecumenism and hand holding with other faiths.

---Over a hundred congregations ran away from the General Synod decisions since 2000.

---They failed the test of times. God will remove them out of their place and reject them as instrument for Him. The problems is that they should have become rather Adventists and cling to the Word of God. Correct?

---Is your church playing around with the Word of God?

---Is your hospital hiring smoking and drinking non-Adventists and serving ham and pork at their convenient stores in the hospital? Result: Financial difficulties for the future.

---From where? Economic times? No. From Above as punishment to correct and receive blessings instead. Correct?

---Are you living a secular loose Christian life? Are you playing God-games? Is it not time to strap-up and come back and devote your life fully to God? When. Immediately. Grab you phone and call the nearest Adventist church and come home!