
It was an inspiring and reviving weekend for the foreign teachers, pastors, missionaries, and guests as they gathered at Yangpyeong English Village for the 7thInternational Camp Meeting.

The theme for this year is “Getting Deep. Getting Real” with the aim to inspire and encourage faithfulness in foreign teachers, missionaries and Gospel workers in Korea and to renew their zeal and passion to study and practice the Scriptures, deeper still. It also aims to exhort the saints to have a deeper relationship with God. It also provided a surrounding that caters to the need to fellowship, meet old and new friends and fellow believers.

A special back-to-back feature was presented during the Sabbath School program. The first part was an exhortation to the saints to embrace our uniqueness and peculiarity as Seventh-Day Adventists. The presenters, Joan Ballanger and Baronese Peters, briefly narrated some stand-out reasons "Why I am a Seventh-Day Adventist."


The second part was a presentation by Pastor Kwon Jong Haeng about "The Remnant Church." He talked about the identifying marks of the "Remnant Church" of Christ and pointed the congregation to its role in the last day events.

sid_jongimpi_papu.jpg?w=195The speaker, Dr. Jongimpi Papu, is currently the Ministerial Association Secretary and Family Ministries Director of the Southern African- Indian Ocean Division of the Seventh Day Adventist Church based in Pretoria, South Africa.

The speaker challenged us to reflect on our relationship with Christ. On Friday evening worship, he reminded us that we are still on the battle field and the devil hasn’t been more furious than ever, but we can overcome and we must overcome.

For the Sabbath message, among other things he reminded us not to try to work our way to heaven. He said if we forget that only a relationship with Jesus can take us to heaven then we will be miserable.

The character we developed will not take us to heaven. God wants to see Christ's character in us.

A Music Festival was held in the afternoon as foreign teachers, missionaries and some individuals shared their talents through music and songs.






In the evening, a special guest graced the event in the person of Yoora Lee-Hoff, a classical singer who is based in Germany. She shared her impressive talent singing and playing piano and violin. (

The speaker's last message reminded us that we have to be faithful until death. He said "to break principles because we are afraid of dying is to choose death."


If the devil will kill us because of our faithfulness, there's no way for us to disobey God.

Some people cave-in not because their persecution is fierce, but because they are not rooted deep in the Rock.

1000 MM missionaries with the Dr. Papu and Pastor Kwon Jong Haeng

Praise be to God for the dedication and commitment of the members of the committee who planned and organized the event. Also , for the generosity and full support of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, Korean Union Conference, East Central Korean Conference and the committee's adviser, Pastor Kwon Jong Haeng.

Many other things we learned and we all went home blessed, revived and with the determination to get deep and get real in our relationship with Christ.

We bring back all the glory, praise and honor to God for the success of the program!

