Spreading The Word On Health-1

Saturday, June 13 - Spreading The Word On Health-1


Jesus Christ maketh thee whole. Acts 9:34.

Four months after her second major health reform vision Ellen White had opportunity to present her views before the young denomination at fourth General Conference session in May 1866. In vigorous tones she put before the leading ministers the principles of health reform and the importance of both accepting and teaching those principles.

She asserted that such reform had "scarcely been entered upon yet" and that the church had "a much greater work" in this line than anyone had yet comprehended, climaxing her appeal with the call that Seventh-day Adventists "should have an institution of their own" for health and healing(1T 486, 487, 492).

In response, the General Conference session passed several resolutions. One acknowledged the importance of health reform "as part of the work of God incumbent on us at this time; and that we pledge ourselves to live in accordance with these principles, and that we will use our best endeavors to impress their importance upon others."

A second resolution requested Dr. Horatio S. Lay (probably the only Seventh-day Adventist physician at the time) "to furnish through the Reveiw a series of articles on the health reform."

A new day had come. The resolutions reflect a profound conviction that the light on health reform was of great importance.

Now it is frequently the case that people are stronger in their resolutions that is subsequent actions. But in this case it was the opposite. While people might look in vain for the proposed series of articles on health reform by H. S. Lay, they will find something better yet-the announcement of Dr. Lay as the editor of a monthly 16-page periodical called The Health Reformer.

In hisprospectus for The Health Reformer Dr. Lay stated that its purpose was "to aid in the great work of reforming, as far as possible, the false habits of life to prevalent at the present day." It would advocate the cure of disease through the "use of nature's own remedies-air, light, heat, exercise, food, sleep, recreation." and so on.

These early Adventists were serious about sharing their new vision. Because so many of them at the time were suffering from poor health, they valued such new understandings all the more. They could rejoice that God was leading them in a better path.


God bids us fill the mind with great thoughts, pure thoughts. He desires us to meditate upon His love and mercy, to study His wonderful work in the great plan of redemption. Then clearer and still clearer will be our perception of truth, higher, holier, our desire for purity of heart and clearness of thought. The soul dwelling in the pure atmosphere of holy thought will be transformed by communion with God through the study of Scriptures(COL 60).