The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Genesis in the series Lesson 3, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart. 

The Topic today is: "Tempted as Christ was tempted in Luke 4""

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 34 and for the laymen edition or Standard Edition, on page 25.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

---Christ was perfect as a human but it was not a status perfectiōnis. It was dynamic and even though sinless, He could sin, but did not.

---Calvinists will be upset if we mention as Adventists that Christ could have sinned.

---Christ learned obedience by what He suffered. He was in all points as we are, yet without sin. Both statements are from Paul.

---Christlikeness is not a static perfectionism but a dynamic growing one. We will continue growing in heaven one day.

---Fallen human nature, can be without sinning.

---Moral sinlessness is not reached instantaneously. Perfection is not beyond the ability to sin. It is still a lurking danger so long we live before the Second Coming. Apostasy is still a possibility.

---My teacher was dr. Izak van Zyl and he did his doctoral on the Synod of Dort. He told us that they insisted there that man is corruptiō fātālis. There is nothing spiritually good in man.

---The Calvinists said that the will of man is captivated by sin.

---Man cannot choose what is good.

---They also taught that you cannot help to be born and cannot help to be reborn.

---Through Adam's sin everyone has corruptiō fātālis. Only sola fide (faith) can save man.

---Man can only be saved sola gratia. Man is totally dependent upon God for that. God chooses, God gives faith, man receives justification.

---The interpretation of Luther by Mosheim says that God sees ahead who will have faith and who not. Thus, God provides ahead of time to those who will be faithful, faith.

---Therefore, God is cause of sin. Man is not responsible for damnation and salvation.

---Thus, God is the origin that man dies. God decides who must be saved and who not. The Synod of Dort by Calvinists.

---A person who resisted this Synod was Uitenbogaert. He blamed Luther and Calvin that they are using Catholic ammunition to analyze salvation: Augustine and Predestination.

---Jacob Herman was a pastor and in 1589 he attacked Calvin's view of Predestination. He thus accepted infralapsarianism.

---J. Arminius was asked to support Calvin. Married a Dutch and when professor died at university he got the chair.

---Supralapsarianism taught that God created Adam to sin. Infralapsarianism taught that you are so sinful that God must choose for you.

---God creates some to sin and some to be perfect.

---God creates people but allow them to choose sin is the view of Infralapsarianism. Out of this corrupt group He allows some to be saved and some to be lost.

---God chooses for man because man is too sinful to choose for themselves.

---Armenius proved then that Supralapsarianism of Calvin is non-biblical.

---Synod appointed a "heretic committee" to ask prof. Arminius whether he is a Reformed Theologian.

---He refused. He said a professor cannot debate without university approval. It is unethical of them to select him out for these questions. The delegation of the "heretic committee" was not properly put together.

---He asked whether they can have it before the Great Synod for discussion. He wanted to go to the top dogs. 

---He died. Uitenbogaert continued Arminius ideas.

---He compiled a Remonstrance of five doctrines in 1612: 1. Conditional Predestination 2. Jesus died for everyone not just a few. Calvin taught that Christ died only for those who are elected. 3. Man does not have saving grace in himself. He must be born again by the Holy Spirit. 4. Grace is the beginning of good. There is enabling grace assisting, following, co-operating going before. Therefore grace is not irresistible because man can resist the Holy Spirit, contra to what Calvin taught. 5. By faith man is incorporated in Christ and receives the Holy Spirit and power to resist Satan, own

flesh, world. Spiritual man is not inactive and has enabling grace. God helps you when you stretch out your hand. 

---Because there were too many supporters of Arminius and Uitenbogaert in Utrecht they "heretic committee" decided to use the court rather than the Synod. Instead of debate, just a quick yes or no. 

---The English delegation that were invited were already rejecting Arminius. They came on behalf of King James. Others felt that nothing should be said against the Heidelberg Cathecism and therefore Arminius is wrong. Period. The issue was not Bible but Cathecism. The Swiss delegation said that Arminians wanted to take Pelagius out of the hell to heaven and Augustine out of heaven to hell.

---In the Synod's view, predestination is the source of salvation ideas.

---Uitenbogaert received letter to appear in court. He was to write down his points. He was against the strong points of predestination. He was against those who rejected his 5 points. He said that the Bible emphasized free conscience. He also insisted that they are friends of truth.

---The Synod gave Uitenbogaert hardly time to respond. They knew there are both sides in the Synod so condemnation was focused upon.

---Then they called UItenbogaert in to only ask him if he will accept the Synod of Dort or not. He rejected it because he wants to follow the Bible not Cathecism. He was willing to be banned and excommunicated. He was forced to leave the country and could not preach. Satan does not change his face, just the century.

---Today's lesson deals with Christ temptation in the desert and His temptation is the same as ours. God do not tempt anyone but allow them to be tempted knowing that enabling grace which the faithful depend upon will help the person resist sin.