The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Managing for the Master until He comes in the series Lesson 9 may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: "Original sin and original sin unto Silence is Golden for Morning Manna in the Sabbath School Series Managing for the Master until He comes

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God"

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 73.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click right now on this link and enjoy the lesson of this week right now?

---This morning our lesson focus on how Lucifer became Satan.

---Beautiful and the best and number one, he had privilege to associate with Christ as his friend. Close to the Trinity. Permitted to be close.

---Christ was so humble that it seems as if He enjoyed company with all His creatures including Lucifer?

---It seems to be so close that Lucifer thought they are equal.

---How dangerous when one follows the example of Christ as is required by salvation in our position, and then we think we are Christ and saved ourselves!

---Never. Said Ellen White clearly, like Calvin and Luther and the Bible would want us to say. Not never follow Christ's example, like Calvin and Luther were shy to say but as one can find always in Ellen White.

---Not born in a state of sin like Calvin and Luther use to say Reading Psalm 1:4 “In sin (original sin from Adam state) my mother conceived me” like Augustine borrowed by Calvin (see his citations in his commentaries) and Luther read; but the following way: “In [an environment of a sinful world] my mother conceived me” like Jakobus Armenius and John Wesley and Ellen White also said. Born with the second law of thermodynamics, yes. But sin came when awareness of sin arrived.

---But all became sinners. Yes, says Augustine, yes, says Calvin, yes, says Luther, yes, says Arminius, yes, says Wesley, yes, says Ellen White.

---Christ came to completely save us by substitution for us 100%. Yes says Augustine, yes says Calvin, yes says Luther, yes says Arminius, yes says Wesley, yes says Ellen White

---He saved us completely from the guilt and punishment of sin. Yes, yes said all. Ellen White included. To make Reformed Churches to like Adventists, Froom picked and chose these statements of Ellen White in 1954 very eagerly to present it in the Appendix of Questions on Doctrine published in 1957. Also in a pre-publication article in our church journal. 

---They hoped that the critic who called Adventists a “sect” would stop that and Adventism would be accepted by the World as also a “church” and not a “sect”. So the 1954 thinking of Froom and others. 

---The same happened to Ahab and Jezebel in Elijah’s days with true Yahwism. Just a footnote. Keep it in mind.

---Since Christ is the Comforter I, He sent us Comforter II with the task of converting us to accept the great offer of Substitution. Not to save us in our sin but become part of a sin removal process of transformation of character and personality that leads to breaking of the power of sin, says the Bible and Arminius and Wesley and Ellen White but not Froom in Questions of Doctrine appendix citations of Ellen White, because Calvin and Luther were silent about it.

---So M. E. L. Andreasen wrote a protest letter to the General Conference that they are not citing Ellen White statements in toto. Just half of it. Two sides of the same salvation coin with one Substitution despite our miserable state successfully and the other side more to be done by our cooperation with the Holy Spirit to break the power of sin in a process of total transformation of the character [character perfection]. But Froom et al only focus on one side that Protestant Churches keep emphasizing also.

---Arminius saw it and complained to Calvinists about it. Wesley saw it and complained to Calvinists about it. Ellen White brought the two together because both are biblical. Should we ever say now that I am substituted by Christ for me and follow His example in me by a sanctified consecrated life that I am now Christ II? Never, the Bible and Ellen White says. Always pray for mercy for I am a sinner. Really sin? No. Cannot. Why? Christ said to the adulterous woman in John 8, “I forgave you, go and sin no more”.

---Saved but with an obligation.

---So can we claim that we are now the Example we are to follow? Lucifer did.

---That is why it is idolatry to be covetous of things that does not belong to us.

---By thinking I am now so perfect that I have reached perfection is not for us to declare. Sure we are to attain it before the Time of Trouble, this thing called character perfection, but never hit yourself on the breast smiling because you overcame major and minor sins in your life.

---David was called perfect by God but in all his Psalms until his death he was humble before God. He knew he did not sin that day he wrote but he also knew where his power came from and that sin lurks to tempt him every day. The Psalms are full of this. Carefully read Psalm 119 to get our model reaction as overcoming sinner.

---But Lucifer became Satan hoping to be Christ II!

---Anything that we cherish more rather than Christ is idolatry.

---Smartphone? Can we be without it?

---People almost die if they are without their smartphone.

---But they do not think they die when they do not pray.


---Solve this issue. Right?

---Refuse to open your phone in the morning if you have not prayed to God first.

---Christ first, then smartphone.

---How about canceling internet for your smartphone for a while? Good idea.

---Delete Chrome.

---Delete the search engines.

---Delete Tik-Tok

---Delete Youtube.

---Delete Newspapers. “Silence is golden….”

---Grab the hardcopy Bible with a maker pen. Read and stop and think. Pray. Read. The Comforter II will tell you about Comforter I and both will tell you about the Father in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Amen. Right.

---When? Now.