Studying Three Cosmic Messages in the series Lesson 4, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: How can I overcome for Morning Manna in Three Cosmic Messages.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Teacher’s Edition is on page 35.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

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---11 Times it is used in Revelation.

---It is important to overcome.

---Overcome what?

---What did the thief on the cross overcome?


---And he is saved!

---It seems as if for some people who live long overcome is going from A to B and eventually to Z.

---Everyone is unique. Our genes are different. The errors in our genes are different. We see different or hear different or taste different or feel different.

---If you are older you cannot hear well.

---So overcome is different for different people.

---Maybe heaven audience watching the cosmic drama of the Great Controversy and Satan’s temptations and destructions of human lives, know this.

---So all they want to see is a person who was A but became B and if that person dies, like the thief on the cross, they are convinced enough.

---For some it is moving from F to G. For others from M to N. For others from X to Y. Others all the way to Z.

---Unique people have unique overcomings.

---Smoke, alcohol, and other strange things that one can find in human living.

---Watch what you are easily tempted with. That is your overcoming homework. That is when you move from A to B. And heaven clap hands.

---When should you start?

---Today. Now. Right now.

---Throw the cigarettes to the ground and jump on the packet. Dance on it. Scream. I overcame! You will feel strong and nice.

---Get a waterbottle ready. When you feel you want to smoke, grab the bottle of water. Every time. Take a cold shower and hot shower and cold shower and hot shower. Shock you system out of the urge. Right?

---Will it work? It worked for others. Then you also moved from A to B! And heaven clap hands for you. We also.