Pointing Out The Problem

Sunday, August 23 - Pointing Out The Problem


Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2Tim. 2:15, RSV.

On August 5, 1888, two months before the beginning of the General Conference meetings, Ellen White wrote a powerful letter to the "Dear Brethren Who Shall Assemble in General Conference" that put a finger on the problems at the heart of the theological standoff. Listen carefully to her burdens and her themes.

"In humility of mind, with the Spirit of Christ, search the scriptures carefully to see what is truth. The truth can lose nothing by close investigation. Let the Word of God speak for itself, let it be its own interpreter. . .

"There is a most wonderful [i.e., amazing] laziness that is indulged in by a large class of our ministers who are willing others [i.e., Smith and Butler] should search the scriptures for them; and they take the truth from their lips as a positive fact, but they do not know it to be Bible truth, through their own individual research, and by the deep convictions of the Spirit of God upon their hearts and minds. . .

"Our people individually must understand Bible truth more thoroughly, for they certainly will be called before councils; they will be criticized by keen and through close examination as Bible students, to know what is truth. . .

"Many, many will be lost because they have not studied their Bibles upon their knees, with earnest prayer to God that the entrance of the Word of God might give light to their udnerstanding. . .

"One of the greatest hindrances to our spiritual success is the great want of love and respect evidenced for one another. . .It is the work of the enemy to create a party spirit, and to have party feelings, and some feel that they are doing the work of God in strengthening prejudice and jealousies among brethren. .

"The Word of God is the great detector of error; to it we believe everything must be brought. The Bible must be our standard for every doctrine and practice. We must study it reverentially. We are to receive no one's opinion without comparing it with the scriptures. Here is divine authority which is supreme in matters of faith"(Lt 20, 1888).

In such thoughts we find our marching orders for today.


Earnestness, diligence, and persevering labor are to be put forth in treating the soil preparatory to sowing the seed. So it is in the spiritual work in the human heart.(COL 88).