基督復臨安息日會  東京華人教會

         Tokyo Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church                              

                 地址:東京都立川市高松町 3-21-8

  Office:  03-5944-5226  Pastor Mark Yu尤川夫牧師: 080-3273-4496

Email: chuanfu60@yahoo.co.jp http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/sda-church



Join us for these exciting upcoming programs


By making simple changes in lifestyle choices today, one can experience “HOPE” rewards tomorrow



Dr/Pastor Paul Cho presents “Igniting the Hope” Seminars.  He is a graduate from Andrews University with a PhD in educational administration. He has served as president and principal of Taiwan Adventist College and Academy, president of Griggs University Asia, and currently as senior pastor at the Hacienda Heights Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United States.  You won’t want to miss this life changing opportunity to clearly understand the Bible’s most important messages for your future, so you can face the future with peace!  




Theme: Igniting the Hope  主題:點燃希望講座


Date: October 10, 2011  Monday Evening 7:00 pm  

日期: 20111010 星期一晚上7時正

Why Is There So Much Suffering?



Date: October 11, 2011  Tuesday Evening 7:00 pm   日期: 20111011日星期二晚上7時正

The Source of Joy  喜樂的根源


Date: October 12, 2011  Wednesday Evening 7:00 pm   日期: 20111012 星期三晚上7時正

The Source of  Peace 平安的根源


Date: October 13, 2011  Thursday Evening 7:00 pm     日期: 20111013 星期四晚上7時正

The Source of True Love 真愛的根源


Date: August 14, 2011  Friday Evening 7:00 pm     日期: 20111014 星期五晚上7時正

The Life of Forgiveness  寬恕的人生

Date: October 15, 2011  Saturday Afternoon 3:30 pm   日期: 20111015 星期六下午3:30分正

Where is the Safe Place? 何處是安全?


Date: October 15, 2011  Saturday Evening 7:00 pm   日期: 20111015 星期六晚上7時正

The Priceless Treasure無價之寶


Date: October 16, 2011  Sunday Evening 7:00 pm   日期: 20111016 星期日晚上7時正  

The Greatest Hope  最大的希望



Childcare and programs provided



Seminar Translation provided
