今天是最後一天的佈道會 主講人新民牧師在今早所分享的主題是最大的財產是什麼?晚上的主題是:基督復臨

引用許多的聖經章節 非常清楚述說福音 大家都非常感動 四天八堂的演講及配合黃金天使的詩歌演唱 把我們更帶近上帝的施恩寶座 在此謝謝他們的事奉 願上帝賜福 在此也謝謝金町教會成牧師 可以聯合一起舉辦 雖然過'程有風浪 但神仍保守 一切平安 順利 !尤其華人慕道友聽完後 希望可以受洗成為上帝的兒女 感謝主! 今早有四十多位參與佈道會 晚上有五十位參加 弟兄姐妹的大合照 照片如下:

Today is Thursday and this is our last Evangelistic meeting in Kanamachi Church on this year.Thanks God Bless the meeting,we feels so close to Jesus throgh special music and the message. Its make our heart and mind full of joy and happiness.eight,the message one at the morning and one at the evening and before message we have wonderful specail music from Golden Angles.how is wish that we can Evangelistic meeting every day.I would like to say Thank you so much Pastor Shinmyo and Golden Angles.May God Bless all of you.and I also want to Thanks Pastor Seou who is the church pastor in Kanamachi church and korea church.we could work together,it is so wonderful experienced.After our meeting tonight,there is one lady from Taiwan taipei,she asking me to baptism her as soon as possible in japan,Praise the LORD.Please pray for her,so she can prepare her self to receive baptism soon.by the way,there are 40 around people came to the morning meeting and 50 at the eveing,the photos as below;

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