Dear brothers and sisters: 親愛的弟兄妹們平安


Greetings from the Hacienda Heights Chinese Seventh-day   Adventist Church .  May the grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Thoughts for the Month 本月思想

15 If you love me, you will obey my commandments.16 I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever.17 He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him or know him. But you know him, because he remains with you and is in you.  18 When I go, you will not be left all alone; I will come back to you. (John 14:15-18)

15 你 們 若 愛 我 , 就 必 遵 守 我 的 命 令 。  16 我 要 求 父 , 父 就 另 外 賜 給 你 們 一 位 保 惠 師 ( 或 作: 訓 慰 師 ; 下 同 ) , 叫 他 永 遠 與 你 們 同 在 , 17 就是 真 理 的 聖 靈 , 乃 世 人 不 能 接 受 的 ; 因 為 不 見 他 , 也 不 認 識 他 。 你 們 卻 認 識 他 , 因 他 常 與 你們 同 在 , 也 要 在 你 們 裡 面 。 18 我 不 撇 下 你 們 為孤 兒 , 我 必 到 你 們 這 裡 來 。 (約翰福音14:15-18)


In our work for Christ, we accomplish nothing without the power of the spirit



News for the Week 本週教會消息 


Welcome and Happy Sabbath! We are glad that you have chosen to worship with us today. Please join us for a fellowship potluck meal in the social hall after church service.

安息日快樂 ! 歡迎您參加我們的聚會。崇拜聚會後在交誼廳有聚餐,歡迎參加。


Our church has designated March as Prayer Month. Sermons will be provided by the Prayer Team.



There will be a special musical program on Easter weekend on April 3, 2010 in commemoration of the sacrifice of our Lord on the cross. Please mark this date on your calendar.



We welcome the Loma Linda Academy Consort Strings Orchestra to worship with us today and thank them for the special music presentation.



Prayer Request: Dr. Frances Gutierrez, a member of HH SDA Church and a friend to many of our members, had a major surgery Wednesday morning and is now recuperating. Please remember her in your prayers.



The Church Board has voted to designate all loose offerings to the local church budget. If you wish to designate your offerings for any specific ministry, please write on the offering envelopes.



The Youth/YA held its Bible Studies at Dominic and Ruth Chu’s residence at 3363 Rancho Rio Bonita Road, Covina , CA 91724 . It will be held every Friday at 7:30 pm. For information, contact Renata Ganis (714) 496 4897.

每週五晚上7:30青少年查經班已於朱有為醫生家舉行。地址為 3363 Rancho Rio Bonita Road, Covina , CA 91724請與甘雷納塔連絡。電話為 (714) 496 4897.


DVD from our first, second and third parenting class is available for those who missed it. Contact Selina Choo for more information.



Please turn off or switch to silence your pager or cell phone to avoid distractions in the House of the Lord. We appreciate your consideration of others.  Also, please no food in the sanctuary.



Upcoming Events:

Today     Church Choir practice (6:45p.m.) and Youth Choir practice (7:00 pm)

Mar 28    Church Board Meeting @7:00 pm, Social Hall

4/3          Easter Special Program

6/23 - 7/3General Conference Session in Atlanta , Georgia


313                 教會詩班 (晚上6:45) 及青年詩班練唱 (晚上7:00)

328                 堂董會晚上7:00正在教會交誼廳舉行

43                   復活節特別節目

6 2373    全球總會代表大會在亞特蘭大舉行


If you have not visited the HHCSDA website you got to because there are many activities photos. Also, the church directory is uploaded to the website but you will need to request for a sign-on. When you sign on into the web, you can request for a sign-on by completing a form. For information, contact Paul Cho, Sam Wong or Pete Lou.



If you have any questions, please email to by Tuesday evening for the week’s bulletin.

如果你有任何報告要登在節目單上,請於每週二晚前電郵劉耀洲:  (


Should you have any questions regarding your tax deductible receipt.  Please feel free to contact our church treasurer, Mr. Pete Lou.



For your tithes and offerings, please use the envelopes at the entrance. Checks should be made payable to HH Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church (HHCSDA). Thank you for your faithful giving and support of this Ministry. 

什一捐款及奉獻:奉獻信封擺放於入口處。支票抬頭請寫 Hacienda Heights Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church (HHCSDA)。謝謝您的忠心奉獻以及對聖工的支持。


Prayer Ministry Team ‘s Theme for the Month of  March 2010



Praying for the infilling of the Holy Spirit and Praying for Unity in the church for next month.



Prayer and Thanksgiving Requests:
1. For Health Reasons:

a. Yuping Zhou's mother

b. Maggie Pang (keep on improving)

c.  Frances Gutierrez (Surgery onMarch10, 2010 and is now recuperating)

d. Madhi Famili’s niece, Leila (bone marrow transplant on Feb12, pray for recovery)

e. Lucille’s nephew (chemo treatment)

f. Pastor Stirling Berry ’s father

g. Mr. Ji Jen Yao ( recovering)

2. New believers for their journey of faith

3. Church plan for 2010

4. Church future development plan

5. Prayer Ministry Team  

a. Knowing God more deeply through the infilling of the  

    Holy Spirit

b.  Plan for 2010

c.  40 Days Prayers and Devotion  

d.  Divine protection over all the Team members and their    

     lovely ones

6. Mission Service in China – Youming and Yuping Zhou



1. 身體欠安者:

a. 周吳玉萍母親 

b. 彭楊碧玉 (不斷康復中)

c. 紀法蘭西 (三月十日的手術及康復中)

d. 勞健玲姪女Leila212日骨髓移植州為其康復祈禱

e. 李愛玉姪子在化療中

f. 培一理傳道之父親

g. 姚吉人 ((手術復健中)

2.  新信主的弟兄姊妹的信仰旅程

3.  2010年教會聖工計劃

4.  教會未來發展計劃

5. 禱告事工小組

a. 藉著聖靈的充滿更深地認識上帝

b. 2010年計劃

c. 40日禱告靈修計劃

d. 神特別保護禱告小經成員及其所愛的人

6. 周友明夫婦回中國服侍


Today after the church service we will have a special prayer session for our brothers and sisters who are not in good health and others. Thanks.

This Sabbath Speaker (March 13, 2010) –
Elder Shirley Tan

Sermon Title: Our Spiritual Journey

本安息日 (二O一O年三月十三日) 主講人:陳楊曉莉長老



Next Sabbath Speaker (March 20, 2010) – Elder Mei Mei Cho

Sermon Title: The Force for Spiritual Growth

下安息日 (二O一O年三月二十日) 主講人:卓朱美美長老



For details: please see attached file for the coming Sabbath (March 13, 2010) Hacienda Heights Chinese Adventist Church 's Bulletin.
本安息日 (二O一O年三月十三日) 節目細節請參閱附件,哈崗華人教會之節目單。

You are coordially invited to join our friendly worship every Saturday at 2:30 pm. Thank you for your support and prayers.

*  Friendly Christian Fellowship

*  Bilingual Chinese and English

*  Inspiring Sermons

*  Insightful Bible Studies

*  Loving Care Groups

*  Fun Youth Activities


誠摯邀請您參加每週六下午 2:30 之友善團契聚會。謝謝您的支持與代禱。

*  友善的基督徒團契

*  雙語聚會-中、英文

*  激勵人心的證道

*  具有深度的聖經研究


*  有趣的青年活動


For more information, please visit our Church Website:

May God bless you for your partnership with Hacienda Heights Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church . Wishing you, family, and love ones all the best.  Keep trusting in GOD and be a blessing to others. May God's grace be with you all.  Happy Sabbath to all of you.

Cheers and blessings
 Paul Cho,
Pastor of HHCSDA


2120 South Stimson Avenue

Hacienda Heights, CA 91745

(626) 217-5782