1. 첫날 공원 공연.JPG

1. 공원 관중.JPG

     On Sunday, we moved to Taizong from Banqiao. After we arrive, we had a simple lunch, and prepared for the concert which was held at the park near by church. This church is brand new church which is named Beitun , so with having concert, we advertised our church. During concert, Taizong church members spread the advertisements to the people. Even though we were tired, we did our best to advertise our church.

 2. 아침 예배 강의.JPG

2. 아침예배 기도.JPG

     Every morning, we had a morning devotion, Especially, we had a special time with pastor Jang. He taught how to meditate the bible. We had a very useful time.

3. 전도지 분급.JPG

4.전도지 분급2.JPG

     After the morning devotion, we went out to spread the advertisements. Actually around the church, There are lots of temples so it was little bit hard for us, but we spread the advertisement in the name of Jesus Christ.

4.가정방문 목사님 설교.JPG

3.가정방문 단체사진.JPG

     We visited some houses. We sang for them, and Pastor Kim gave God’s Word for them. Thankfully, they served delicious foods for us.


5.월요일 음악회.JPG

     On Monday, we had a concert at the church. That day, every PMM pastors visited our church, so we could meet all the pastors again. when we sang, we were very happy an touched, because every moments from Ping Jhen to Banqiao were flitted through our mind. We could say thank God for helping us and guiding us for 3 weeks in Taiwan.

 6. 경배와 찬양.JPG

     Evangelize meeting was held from Tuesday, from 6:50 to 8:30. From 6:50, we got a worship and praise time.

 7.목사님 설교2.JPG

7.목사님 설교4.JPG

     After the worship and praise, Pastor Kim Si Yeong Preached God’s word, and Deaconess Hong translated in Chinese. The Theme of this evangelize meeting was about God's great love. He told us about the precious love of Jesus Christ.


     After the sermon, we had a special time to make friendship with each other. With some snacks, we had a good time.

 9. 피드백.JPG

     After finishing everything, we gathered together, and had feedback today for tomorrow. we encouraged ourselves, and also, we shared some good things together, and also the problems to solve. It was quite useful time for us.

 10.중학교 음악회.JPG

10.중학교 방문.JPG

     On Wednesday, we visited pastor’s children’s school to have a concert. Actually because of the rule of the school, we couldn't sing the song that contains the word ‘Hallelujah’ and ‘Amen.’ So except some songs, we sang for them to let them know about God. We also had a action song, and had a great time.

크기변환_11.최고은 간증.JPG

크기변환_11.이소망 간증.JPG

     On Saturday, we were in charge of Sabbath School program. Thomas and Diana had testimonies. They shared about God that they met. Even though Diana was sick, she did her best to share about God.


     We had a baptism ceremony, one person accept Jesus as a personal savior. It was a precious time for us.

 14.베이툰 교회 단체사진.JPG

     We had a great time at Beitun church. Actually we some of Golden Angels members were sick but with God’s grace, we could finally finished the evangelize meeting. We again recognized that even though satan is strong and the sin is strong, the Grace of God is stronger, and bigger than everything else. That is our God. Thank God for protecting us and guiding us for 6 weeks, and we are expecting Japan mission trip, and the power of God again in Japan.

God loves us all the time.