Greetings to all God's Children!!!



Hello everyone! Now I'm back and eager to share to you our mission  here in Mongolia.



For the 1st week that we had, we served at Maranatha church under the service of Pastor Cheong Nam Woon.  We held Evangelistic crusade conducted by Pastor Kim Nak Hyeong. Every session we had a good numbers of attendees. I really admired the activeness ot the youths of this church. They're always willing to sacrifice their time to work for the Lord.  We work hand in hand in spreading the invitations even children were so eager to be a part of this ministry. Through the powerful work of the Holy Spirit 18 young precious souls accepted our Savior God as their Father.269477_1869210253109_1326684117_1611507_4249079_n.jpg

Pastor Kim, Pastor Kang and Pastor Cheong officiated the baptism



Wonderful experienced with the Mongolian People



 Newly baptized young precious souls( Maranatha church)



These Mongolian Young people helped in distributing invitations



In Maranatha Church


 We also attended the camp meeting held in Khairt Khaan.It was a beautiful place, so peaceful like heaven.Through the wonderful scenery God's creation was more appreciated. It was showed to us his love and care.

 All SDA  members from Ulanbaataar city and country side gathered together. Some traveled for 2 days just to be there to listen to God's words and be spiritually revived. That's how active Mongolian sda's are. There were a couple of activities during the day and worship in the evenings. There were Servants of God who delivered his message for his loving people here in Mongolia. And Praise be to God for there were 19 souls who accepted our Father as their own Personal Savior.



God's Wonderful creation...




 Camp site...






Dedication prayer for the Church Leaders



 spending time with friends and families...



Preparing for Baptism



Now is our last week here in Mongolia. And this week we are about to end the evangelisitc crusade at Hangol church conducting by Pastor Kwon. This church is a newly one under the service of Pastor Park. Only 3 members attended this church for a couple of months( Pastor Park, Mrs. Park and their only child). But later on God blessed this church and now there are several active members attending this church. We had a wonderful time with the youth, helping each other in spreading the invitations on the roads, across the streets,at the bus stop or even in the apartments. Aside from that there's also a medical mission ongoing every afternoon.Dr. Cheong (Dentist) and his family have come here to serve people with love. This family is not only medically inclined but also musically talented.They have shared their God-given talents to the people here in Mongolia. In the evenings evangelistic meetings takes place. The room  is almost fully packed with non christian people. And they are always participating in every questions that  Pastor Kwon would raised up.We are praying that these people would have a peaceful mind and an open heart to accept God's invitation for them to be called his children. We beleived the Holy Spirit is in the midst of us working in every heart of these people here in Mongolia.




 Pastor Kwon with Jagana as the translator






These people are raising their hands......accepting God as their own Father


Hangol youth spreading invitations at the bus stop



Dr. Cheong in action...



 We had experieced the kindest and hospitality of the people here in Mongolia. Let's continue to pray for them not only for our brothers and sisters in Christ but also those who are still in darkness. That someday they would have the chance to know the God that we are serving and accept them as their own Father.God loves them so much that he wants his children here in Mongolia to experience his love and grace. Let us also pray for the newly baptized young precious souls.That they would always have the love of Jesus in their hearts. And they would constantly grow in grace and in knowledge of the truth.


As God's servants lets continue to work deligently for him."Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto me."-Colossians 3:23.





