"Missionaries Always Ready to Help"

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        WCKC Missionaries had extented help at Gwangnuengnae Church last February 27, 2011. The Church had its General cleaning schedule on this day and Missionaries were there ready to help!
        Aside from giving tracts we had also this community service  as part of our Missionary activity. This was to exercise the physical aspect and to create the spirit of unity in serving others.
        Missionaries were there to help clean, paint the walls and carry heavy materials to be discarded. We had fun doing these and the work seemed easy because many hands were working.
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       Out of this activity, a wonderful reflection  was revealed ; As we repainted  the old paint of the walls and as we tried to remove the dirts. It made me think of the effort we have to do personally to get away of the dirts that cover ourselves and even the the dirts that pollute this world (sin). This world is sinful but thank  GOd for helping us in wiping the dirts that covers us.
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            As we submit ourselves to GOd and as we unite in working for the Lord the burden of doing it won't be that heavy. The burdens will turn into a blessing.Cheerful, happy hearts that serve will continually grow in us.
Keep up the Missionary spirit burning and the willingness to Serve and Help.
Written by:

Mae Gladys Samson

WCKC  Missionaries   Representative