Dongjak Central Church Fundraising




I never thought I would be this happy when my Church went out and sang at EXPRESS Bus Terminal, Seoul, Korea, last December 4, 2010 to gather some funds.

           Around 3:00 in the afternoon the church members and youth went out to raise some funds for ADRA. The church decided to go to Express Bus .Under the Leadership of our church Senior Pastor, Pastor An Sang Jun and three (3) more Pastors. We sang songs while wearing help sash and bringing donation boxes



            It was very memorable Sabbath because we did our best to ask help and donations to people whom we didn’t know. I myself, I was chasing foreigners asking them to extend some help!

Somehow the 3 hours singing and shouting for help was worth it because people who

were touched by the Holy Spirit freely gave money. Every time people and kids went to the boxes and dropped some money made us feel so happy.



           The generosity of these people who knew or may not knew God was an excellent example how we should be cheerful in giving something for the work of the Lord.

“ Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7



