They say that when a coal is taken out of a group of burning coal, it will surely die out because it won't have enough strength to keep it self burning. Coals can only  burn longer or continue to burn only when they are together and heating each other up. The same goes with our spiritual health and faith as well. That is why missionaries throughout the whole Korean peninsula gathered last May 13-15, 2011 at Sahmyook Training Center in An Myeond-do, Chungcheong Nam-do, South Korea. The retreat revolved around the theme "Resurgence". Several speakers came to the event inspiring and resurging every missionaries with all the faith, encouragement and hope they need as they continue to serve God in Korea. Speakers from the Division level down to the conferences spoke to the missionaries with passion, kindling the fire to burn in their hearts to serve God with an undying energy. The program was full of group activities too, to involve each missionaries in a hands on basis to let them feel their part in the retreat. Missionaries that came with an empty soul, cold and thirsty for the warming and thirst quenching Spirit of Christ, went home with a big smile and with a shout "Resurgence"! They felt the resurgence in their life, both physical and spiritual. God indeed is to be praised for this event and everyone of them hopes that there will be more of like this to come. God bless every missionaries out there! And we thank the Chosen Vessel in handling the program well.. God bless all the Speakers who came too.. ! Let us be united in Christ!


Here are some Pictures:

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   The Dedication of the Bible writing of the Whole Missionaries in Korea


 Pastor Kim Nak Hyung, Youth Director of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, Empowering the the missionaries on to God's Agenda

244322_1714450271677_1550817912_31395768_2377793_o (1).jpg

The Missionaries in Korea with the 1000MM Administrators and Speakers!