
Life is a tapestry
Interwoven with sagacity
It may be dull or colorful
May be morbid or wonderful.

The color it reflects
Gives out the effects
It's a real work of art
A masterpiece from the heart.

Christ gave us the pattern
For humankind to discern
Though His love's a mystery
But His life a real tapestry.

I made this poem because I was inspired with the stories in the New Testament.  If you comprehend fully on the life of Jesus and see what He did here on earth - you can imagine how wonderfully and beautifully He wove all circumstances for us to learn.  Paul and the rest of the apostles used the same pattern Jesus did - healing the sick, casting demons, comforting and giving encouragements to the oppressed and depressed, sharing the good news of salvation, and so on...  They were able to do all these because they diligently and religiously followed their Master Weaver. 
May we see Jesus our lives woven in the pattern He gave us.  God bless.