Missionary's Mission:

The word mission may vary in meaning
But it really mean just one thing

To go and answer the calling

A big task and not just anything.


A teacher's mission is to teach

A missionary's is to preach

If there are other things that you do

Be sure it's God's plan and not an ado


If you feel so helpless

Pray to God and He will bless

With contrite heart we pray

The Lord will answer without delay


If we are weak and confuse

Lay all your burden for the Lord won't refuse

Never go against the rule

Trust the Lord and read your Bible.


Share the good news to everyone

Each moment is your chance as one

Don't wait until tomorrow

To save a soul - succumbed in sorrow


The Lord is soon coming

And would ask what have we been doing                Our Lord will always bless us

Have we accomplished our mission                            If we are faithful like Jesus

Or have we failed coz of our selfish ambition           We would truly be successful

                                                                                            If we fully accept God's service' call.
Whatever you do it's up to you

The Lord knows what's good for you                           Spread the good news of salvation
He called you for a mission                                          Trust the Lord with all devotion

Do your best without hesitation                                    That's a real commission

                                                                                             Of a real missionary in mission.



This poem was created in March 2009