
How Did Waggoner View Salvation?-2


September 18-How Did waggoner View Salvation?-2




But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were horn, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:12, 13, RSV.

At the point where an individual accepts Christ's righteousness by faith, Waggoner asserted, that person becomes a part of the family of God. "Note," he penned, "that it is by being justified by His grace that we are made heirs....Faith in Christ Jesus makes us children of God; therefore we know that whoever has been justified by God's grace--has been forgiven--is an heir of God."

But justification and adoption into the family of God are not the sum total of salvation for Waggoner. Far from it, "God does not adopt us as His children because we are good, but in order to make us good."

At the very time that God justifies and adopts individuals into the family of God, He transforms them into new beings. Such persons, Waggoner adds, are not only no longer under condemnation, but they "are now new creatures in Christ and must henceforth walk in newness of life, no longer 'under the law,' but 'under grace.'" At the time of justification God gives the converted sinner "a new heart." Thus "it is proper to say that he is saved."

Here it is important to note that Waggoner often talked of justification by faith and the new birth in the same breath. That is quite appropriate, since they take place at the same moment. In other words, at the very point in time that a person is justified, he or she is also born anew by the Holy Spirit. Thus both being accounted righteous (being justified) and having one's nature changed happen simultaneously.

As a result, being accounted righteous, according to Waggoner, is not a legal fiction. Justified individuals think differently and desire to act differently under the guidance of God. But, of course, when they fail and confess that failure His grace is there to forgive them anew.

Being adopted into God's family as individuals who were born outside of that family (see
Eph. 2:1-5) is a beautiful promise.

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Thank You, Lord, that we can be a part of the family of God.
