
A Health Reform Institute Of Their Own


June 16 - A Health Reform Institute Of Their Own




And when was it that we saw you sick. . .? And the king will answer them, "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who ae members of my family, you did it to me." Matt. 25:39, NRSV.

Healing played a large part in Christ's earthly ministry. The same is true of Adventism. Today it sponsors a system of nearly 800 health-related institutions worldwide.

That massive system experienced its genesis in Ellen White's December 1865 health reform vision and her call for an Adventist health reform institute in May 1866. As with the Health Reformer, the response by the church was immediate and forceful. The Adventists opened their Health Reform Institute in Battle Creek, Michigan, on September 5, just four months after the General Conference session.

Of course, its inauguration wasn't all that impressive, "with two doctors, two bath attendants, one nurse (untrained), three or four helpers, one patient, any amount of inconveniences, and a great deal of faith in the future of the institution and the principles on which it was founded."

A note from James White published on the back page of the September 11 Review rejoiced in the rapid response of the church and its members. "We have only to look back to our conference in May last, less than four short months ago, for the time when this matter first began to take practical shape among our people.

"Now we behold an elegant site secured, buildings ready for operation, a competent corps of assistants on the ground, two numbers of a health journal already issued, with a subscription list that has doubled within the past few weeks, a sum bordering on eleven thousand dollars already subscribed for stock in the enterprise, and the institute opened and operations actually commenced. In no enterprise ever undertaken by this people has the hand of the Lord been more evidently manifested than in this thing."

That little institution may have had a rather humble beginning, but during the next 35 years it would grow into one of the world's premier health-care institutions as J. H. Kellogg transformed it into the Battle Creek Sanitarium.

Meanwhile, its very existence witnessed to a broadening sense of mission among the Adventist people. And it should be so. The message of the parable of Matthew 25:31-46 is that God wants his people to be socially concerned with the needs of others.

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Through conflict the spiritual life is strengthened. Trials well borne will develop steadfastness of character and precious spiritual graces. The perfect fruit of faith, meekness, and love often matures best amid storm clouds and darkness(COL 61).
