
Adventism In Time Of War-4


June 21st - Adventism in Time of War-4




Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men!" Acts 5:29, NIV.

Such were the words and the conclusions of the apostles when they came face to face with a conflict in commands between God and earthly government.

But what the implications of that truth were for Adventism in the face of military service was not all that clear to church members in 1862.

James White's invitation to submit articles on the topic of the porper position of the church on military service brought in not only a high volume of responses but also a complete range across the spectrum of possible options.

On one end were the total pacifists, who believed that Christians should avoid military service altogether. It was probably such an orientation of members in military service altogether. It was probably such an orientation of members in Iowa whose aggressive pacifist agitation had triggered charges that Adventism was not patriotic that brought about the publication of Whtie's initial thoughts on the topic.

At the other end were the crusaders for full pariticipation in the war, such as Joseph Clarke. "I have," he wrote, "been very anxious to know duty respecting the war, no so much for fear of the draft, as because I want to see treason receive its just deserts.

"Consequently, I have written to Bro. White, to know if it would be allowable for us to go into the ranks. I have had my fancy full of Gideons, Jephtaths, and fighting Davids. . .

"I have wished sometimes that I had it where Joab had Absalom, and almost fancied that the time might come when a regiment of Sabbathkeepers would strike this rebellion a staggering blow, in the strength of Him who always helped his valiant people when they kept his statutes.

"Last winter I had the war fever so high, that it injured me somewhat."

In another article Clarke wrote, "Was there not war in heaven?" "Is it murder to hang or shoot a traitor? No! no!. . .Were Joshua and David murderers? Let us lay aside fanaticism and act like men."

So the debate went, until at long last White called for an end to it as far as Review articles went, since someone had adequately represented every perspective.

The whole debate indicates a refreshing openness in early Adventism,one that over time would help them move toward a consensus on controverted issues.

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Through conflict the spiritual life is strengthened. Trials well borne will develop steadfastness of character and precious spiritual graces. The perfect fruit of faith, meekness, and love often matures best amid storm clouds and darkness(COL 61).
