Hi, I am Kim Bomki, a PMM(Pioneer Mission Movement) missionary from Korea, serving at Tsukuba Church in Japan.

I thank you for your prayers concerning the great earthquake and tsunami that has swept over Japan recently.

The fear had swept through us in the past 3 days, but now that the electricity and water system have been recovered, I am able to leave this message.

As all of you know, there was earthquake and tsunami at 3 pm on March 11.

Along with great sound of noise, the earthquake went on for about 10 minutes, the walls fell, and all the traffic lights went out at once.

Thankfully God had protected, so all the PMM missionaries and the families are safe.

However, we were out of water, electricity, and communication on the 12th for the whole day.

Children were too scared to go back into the house and cold rain started to fall.

When we returned back into the house, our walls were all broken down, all the plates and dishes broke, and all the picture frames and clocks on the walls were on the floor.

Yet I was still thankful that my family was safe. I attempted to call Pr. YoungMin Kim's family in Yamagata, but I couldn't call anywhere in the country. 

Grounds still shook from time to time while cleaning up the house, and it continue to shake even after I put the children to sleep.

Electricity came back at around 11pm. As I turned the TV on, I was able to see the disasters of the Northeast area of Japan.

Next day (12th)was the Sabbath.

I had called all the church members. We cancelled worship due to the continuous ground shaking and we had family worship. Even though the church members couldn't worship together, I told the children that we should only look to Jesus and we knelt to pray for the victims of the earthquake. In the afternoon I was able to speak with Pr. Kim on the phone. I was thankful that they were all safe as well.

Now was the real difficult moment.

Our area had been waterless for 2 days.

All we had was one 500ml bottle of water. What can we do? It was still Sabbath and what can we do? While I was thinking, I heard my wife praying in the kitchen. I prayed as I heard her pray. We didn't even have enough water to make food for our newborn baby. 

Then suddenly my wife told me that she will go to the church. None of the houses had water, but little bits of water started to leak out of the water faucet in the church. Then I remembered how God had fed Elijah and thanked God. When I filled all the water bottles and all the pots we had, the water stopped. I learned that God gives just the amount we need. Praise the Lord!

But as the Sabbath came to an end, another fear had come upon us. We heard the news that there was an explosion at the nuclear plant. Fukushima is in between Ibaraki and Yamagata. The area is only couple hours away from where we are. We started to pray again.

In the evening we went to the market to buy some food. But there was nothing else left, no water, no food, no diapers. I saw a sign at the gas station that there was no more gas. I was able to get some fruits and food and I noticed the tension on the road with cars running fast.

On the 13th, we heard that the nuclear plant explosion was all taken care of, but we continued to hear more of issues in other nuclear plants.

We were not still able to wash, and we had to dig the ground as temporary toilets. My children are complaining and they do not want to go out the house. On the 14th, the Japanese government announced a power outage to save power. 

On the morning of the 14th, water started to come out. It was announced that water will be provided from 6am to 9pm. 

I can still hear helicopters flying for rescue missions.

Yet, I still thank the Lord for His mighty protection. And I thank everyone for your prayers.

I just pray that this can become an opportunity for the gospel of Jesus to be spread out to this nation.

Thank you. (Translated by Myoung Kwon)


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