Unparalleled Mission Growth

Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009-Unparalleled Mission Growth: 1900-1950 3


Tell the children of Israel to go forward. Ex. 14:15, NKJV.

The children of Israel would have never made it to Canaan without a faith in God's leadership that gave them courage to step into the Red Sea. In like manner, the command to preach the three angels' messages to all the world combined with a faith in prophetic mission and God's empowerment gave the early Adventists the courage and enthusiasm to do the impossible for God. And they did it!

Or at least God did it through them. But we should note that the Lord did not do it without them. Not only did they give their lives for mission service, but their tithes and mission offerings fueled the denomination's ever-aggressive mission outreach. It was a program in which every member could take a part.

Part of their support went to the new media ministries that help speed the Adventist message to the ends of the earth. In the mass media tradition of Joshua V. Himes, H.M. S. Richards envisioned the possibilities inherent in radio. In 1930 he began The Tabernacle of the Air. Renamed The Voice of Prophecy, it became one of the first religious programs to enter the national broadcasting field.

In a world in which TV was still a new and largely untried medium of communication, William Fagel's Faith for Today program first aired in May 1950, soon followed by George Vandeman's It Is Written.

Adventists speaking a multitude of languages have duplicated those pioneering media efforts around the world. In addition, beginning in 1971 Adventist World Radio began to develop powerful radio stations in various parts of the world with the idea of blanketing the planet with the three angels' messages. And the late 1990s saw the church move into such strategic areas of outreach as the Internet and the development of a worldwide satellite television communication network with downlink locations in thousands of locations.

Truly the first angel is flying through "the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell" in every part of the earth (Rev. 14:6). The age of miracles is not over yet.



The Lord declares that He will be honored by those who draw nigh to Him, who faithfully do His service(COL 173).