Missionaries God sent – miraculous survivors of airplane crash:
(Barry Mosier and his family now visits Pigmy Camps, Congo DR )

Barry called and wondered if he can visit Pigmy camps.

As such we met first time in Beni, North Kivu, Congo DR in March 28, 2010 and spent two and a half days visiting Pigmy camps, Makele, Kandiasa and Malondo, all about 70-90km from Beni, a good 3 hour drive Congo distance.

Barry came from Kisangani after driving for 2 days with his team of; wife Marybeth, daughter April, son Andrew, and his associates Nathan and his sister Melody, all of them from Minnesota , USA , and their interpreter Mikindi.

We, missionary Minha from Korea and I, joined them from Kampala , Uganda , also after 2 days of travel by bus. Also joined are Maha pastor Malembe, missionary Venaah, and Pastor Kisunzu, president of North Kivu Field.

Barry’s son, Keith, a pastor now after college in the US and is in charge of “Congo Frontier Mission” in Kisangani , another very difficult city in Congo DR .

Barry Mosier and his family are people of God, sent specially and specifically to carry on the work of Jesus before He comes second time. It was a profound pleasure and privilege to have met them and they humbled me. They spent 10 years in Africa, 8 in Tanzania and 2 in Congo . They have done so much to help people, to evangelize and save souls, and they are living a very simple life.

I knew of their airplane crash (Barry wrote a book, Flight 122) in Goma on way to Kisangani . God delayed explosion of airplane so that many people including Barry's family could get out to safety. It was a sheer miracle all of their family are safe intact except now 5 year old adopted son, Andrew broke a leg.

Not long after their crash, I was passing by the crash site in Goma and one of church leader has told me of the story. Now, here I am, escorting them to Pigmy camps. It was a real special and strange feeling for me to work with people of God. If I were them, I will go home and take it easy for the rest of my life. Barry’s are continuing, keep moving forward.

It is so easy to say God protects His people. He does. Do you want to try if He really does?  No, thank you. Barry makes me to confirm Daniel’s story of young people in furnace. Barry was so focused on Pigmy mission, I am so much interested in observing them, I wouldn’t dare to ask them of accident. Maybe it might hurt to remind them of their memory.

Barry humbles himself to learn how our Pigmy camps were being managed etc. We were embarrassed for having done so little. We were ready to surrender to him. The whole family’s attachment toward poor and underprivileged people is so special. We could not even copy it. Shamefully what we did not have, they had. They were showing the love of Jesus so easy because they love them. They did not come to learn but to teach us.

Each camp we visited suddenly (Pigmy Camps do not have cell networks), Barry spoke softly but clearly about Jesus in Swahili during a short devotional and all Pigmies seemed to be moved.

Barry could have done relatively easy way of evangelism but he seemed to have chosen the “end of the earth” - “every tribe” motif. His large vacant region in Congo DR is very difficult to penetrate due to heavy and dense bush, and usually Pigmies are scattered in those area because they are hunters in migrant life style. He seemed to make sure every tribe were God’s creatures that deserve to hear Gospel to be saved.

I was accompanied with a Korean young lady nurse missionary, Kim Minha, who wants to observe how to help medical services for Pigmies. Also accompanied were Pastor Kisunzu, NKF field president, and Venaah, a Maha missionary.

On our way back to Kampala , a 16 hour trip, we felt so privileged to have met Barry

who confirm to us God really protects his people. Pray Barry will have a safe trip back to Kisangani , another 2 days of drive.

May God bless them!

Maha Mission


3.Nathan,Andrew,April,Melody-방문한 선교사들.JPG4.Being introduced-선교사 소개.JPG5.Devotional in Swahili-설교하는 선교사.JPG6.Minha with Pigmy-김민하 선교사.JPG7.Nathan,Melody.JPG8.Pigmy praying-기도하는 피그미.JPG9.Preaching the Word-복음선포.JPG10.To visit Well-우물구경하러.JPG11.Pigmy house-피그미 집.JPG13.Barry testing Pigmy water well-피그미 우물공사.JPG14.Kandiasa Camp devotional-칸디아사 캠프 예배.JPG15.Kandiasa Camp-칸디아사 캠프.JPG16.Kandiasa Camp-칸디아사 캠프.JPG17.Closing prayer.JPG18.Salt as gift-소금 선물.JPG19.Barry loves Pigmy child-피그미 아이안음.JPG20.Pulling.JPG
21.Melody with Pigmy child-멜로디 선교사.JPG22.Pigmy children-피그미 어린이.JPG23.Children in prayer-기도하는 어린이.JPG24.Observing agriculture farm-시험농장 견학.JPG25.Pigmy need help-도움이 필요한 피그미 어린이.JPG