2013년 11월 3일, 오전. 북아시아태평양지회 연례행정위원회는 몽공선교본부를 몽골대회로 승격하고 세 명의 임원들을 임명했다. 회장에 임명된 엘버트 쿤 목사는 브라질 출신으로 이미 몽골에서 목회부장을 역임했었으며 지난 2년 동안 선교본부장으로 일해왔다. 총무로 임명된 볼드 목사는 몽골의 목회자로 첫 번째 안수목사이다. 재무는 필리핀 출신으로 지난 2년 반 동안 선교본부의 재무로 섬겼다.

몽골은 1992년에 두명의 몽골인 침례자를 낸 후로 몽골 선교 20년째를 맞이하는 현재 1,800명의 신자를 갖고 있다.

November 3, 2013, NSD Annual Council promoted Mongolian Mission Field to Mongolian Mission and appointed three officers. Pastor Elbert Kuhn, inter division missionary from Brazil, is appointed as the first president of Mongolian Mission, who served last one and half years as Mongolian Mission Field Director. Prior to this call, also he had served as Ministerial Secretary 2003 to 2008. Pastor Bold Batsukh was appointed to be the first secretary of Mongolia Mission. He was the very first native Mongolian ordained minister. He has served as Ministerial Secretary and Adventist Mission Coordinator for  Mongolian Mission Field. Joseph Allan Deblois, from the Philippines, who has served as treasurer of the former Mongolian Mission Filed last two years was appointed as new tresurer.

Adventist Church did not have Advenitst member until 1992 in Mongolia. In 1992, Adventist Frontier Mission sent a young couple and two young Mongolian accepted three angels' message and were baptized by Elder Bob Folkenberg, then GC president.


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