지난 월요일 아침 지회 예배시간의 기도는 대총회장 테드 윌슨 목사를 위해 배정이 되었다.

지회의 재무 켄 오스본 장로가 대총회장에게 직접 이메일을 보내어 우리 지회 아침예배에서 대총회장을 위해 어떤 기도를 드릴 수 있는지에 대해서 아래의 기다란 제목의 기도 제목을 보내 오셨다.

아래의 내용은 대총회장 테드 윌슨 목사가 켄 오스본 장로에게 보내온 기도제목으로 개인적인 내용을 제외한 전문이다.


The following are some special prayer requests you can include in your prayer on Monday, if you get this in time.  May God bless your work for Him.  Regards.  Ted.


You can include the following as special prayer requests:


---Ever increasing emphasis and focus on “Revival and Reformation” in the hearts of members, conferences, unions, institutions, divisions, the General Conference and throughout the church with earnest prayer for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit and the fulfillment of Joel 2, Hosea 6, and Acts 2

---Unity in the church based on respect for God’s Word, humble prayer, the Holy Spirit’s power, respect for accepted church policy/process  and full engagement in the mission of the church in proclaiming the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14

---Plans and activities of all thirteen divisions regarding “Mission to the Cities”

---A renewed emphasis on reading and following the Bible through “Revived by His Word”

---A full acceptance of the Spirit of Prophecy writings as being applicable today and that church leaders and members read the materials on a regular basis

---Increased realization by all members that we are living at the end of time

---Protection of our young people from ever-increasing worldly influences by focusing on the Word of God and service to others

---Integrated focus of all Seventh-day Adventist media activities to provide for massive evangelistic emphasis around the world

---Full understanding and usage of “medical missionary work” allowing all church members to meet people’s needs and follow Christ’s ministry of service to others

---Deeply spiritual and evangelistic perspective of every administrator around the world as they point church members to Christ and the mission entrusted into the hands of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

---A greater emphasis on the books of Daniel and Revelation and the sanctuary service

---More time spent by all of us in Bible study and prayer allowing God to fully direct His people according to His will and not ours

---Strong cooperation and unity between the church organization and supporting ministries in the evangelistic outreach of the church

---Increased use of Christian literature on the part of all church members and increased emphasis on literature evangelism both through hard copy and internet

---A wonderful harvest of souls from the ongoing “Great Controversy Project” distribution

---Greater support and interest by all church members and administrators in maintaining Seventh-day Adventist education as truly Seventh-day Adventist in content and emphasis since it is vital to the church’s future work force and mission perspective

---Increasing emphasis on the wonderful doctrine of Biblical creation with our earth being created in six, literal, consecutive days recently by the word of the Lord since this is foundational to so many Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and the Sabbath, the memorial of God’s creative power and authority, will be the sign/seal of God’s people at the end of time

---United evangelistic and witnessing activities of every Seventh-day Adventist man, woman, and child around the world empowered by the Holy Spirit’s power as we submit to His leading in our lives allowing Christ to make us one thus fulfilling Christ’s prayer of John 17 as we face the end of the great controversy and Christ’s soon return