The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Ephesians in the series Lesson 8, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Clothes to become invisible to demons for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Ephesians”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 99-100ff.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---Or try in alternative this one:

---There is a lifestyle of sin that is really a spiral downward.

---Whether you are a learned scholar, a student, a pastor, a teacher, a housewife, a homeless: the way you live affects the way you think and the way you think determines your methods of doing things and your methods ultimately determines all your products, your thoughts, ideas, talk, twitter, chat, gossip, books, articles, sermons, witnesses, testimonies, everything you produce.

---Thus, taking your book, it is possible for us to analyze it and say how you live!

---Hendrik Stoker was a Calvinist Christian Philosopher and I learned this first from him in a book he wrote.

---Arthur Patrick of Avondale College liked it so much that he put it in one of his footnotes of one of the last articles he wrote before he died.

---So the lesson asked us to present our lives to the Spirit. Lay down the old man and take up the new.

---Clothing is used to explain this. The same as in Romans 13:14 Paul hopes that people will dress up with the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives.

---Why is clothed with Christ important? Because if you pray to be clothed while you are tempted or attacked by demons then the Holy Spirit throw them out and immediately you are clothed with Christ’s righteousness as garment and my guess is this: demons can no longer find you because if you are in Christ’s glory, you are invisible to the demons.

---They look around and say to each other, I imagine, “She/he was just now here, but is gone. Where did she/he go?”

---I have enjoyed great victory for this prayer and experienced real victory in matter of seconds.

---Pray the first part of Romans 13:14. Clothing part. And that is what the lesson in Ephesians 4 is also saying.

---According to a Calvinistic commentary I read, the most difficult verse in Ephesians to explain for Calvinists views is Ephesians 4:13. “Unto a perfect man”.

---It is because they all believe that Augustine had it right that we are all sinners who come short of the glory of God.

---But this is what I learned: The Old Latin and Jerome in the Vulgate Latin translated Romans 5:12 with the Greek eph hoi wrongly. They said “because”.

---Calvin was a very careful translator and differed with Augustine’s acceptance of the Old Latin (Itala) and Jerome’s translation the same (Vulgate). He said that it was not translated correctly.

---So did Calvin’s successor Theodor Bezae and his successor Vermigli and also Zwingli’s successor Johannes Bullinger in Zurich.

---The independent scholar Andrew Willet who wrote his commentary on Romans in 1611, different with all of them.

---Dissiderius Erasmus, the Greek humanist translated Romans 5:12 differently rejecting the translation of the Old Latin and Jerome’s Vulgate Latin as errors.

---Erasmus taught a Greek Eastern Church Theology which was against the Latin Western Church Theology as one finds in Augustine.

---Erasmus said that what we got from Adam and Christ is not inheritance of sin or imputation of Righteousness but imitation of sin and imitation of Righteousness.

---Andrew Willet disagreed with Erasmus. But Erasmus claimed that Origen, Ambrose, Theophylact and Chrysostom all shared the same criticism that he had of Augustine’s slant.

---Erasmus said that the problem with Augustine is that he read all his Scriptural prooftexts with an anti-Pelagius agenda and that makes the theology of Augustine unacceptable.

Source: Pollock, Darren M., "Early Stuart Polemical Hermeneutics: Andrew Willet's 1611 Romans Hexapla." (2016). See pp. 128-144 for Original Sin discussions among the Reformers.

. 44. Calvin Theological Seminary Dissertations. 44

For the Original Sin wrong translation by Augustine and Jerome and the Itala or Old Latin recognized universally by nearly all Reformers according to Andrew Willet a careful scholar in 1611, a wrong translation of Romans 5:12, see the long discussion in full detail by Darren M. Pollock in 2016 pp. 128-144.

---So who understood Romans 5:12 correctly? The Greek Eastern church said it is about mortalis originale. Death to all. The Latin Western church said it is about peccatum orignale. Sin to all. Ellen White is more in line with the Eastern church here than with the Western church. So is Herbert Douglas, Denis Priebe, Dough Batchelor, M. L. Andreasen, Andrew Kang, myself.

---Those who cling to the Reformed scholars like Calvin and Luther cling to Augustine thoughts, but they do not know that even Calvin and other of his successors disagreed with Augustine’s Latin reading of Romans 5:12, but they advocate still Augustine’s total depravity based on Romans 5:12 doctrine! Many pastors in Adventism speaks this similar to Calvinism not realizing what is going on here.

---Is your pastor preaching like Augustine, the wrong reader of Romans 5:12?

---There needs to be a change. Either he changes or you leave. Correct?