The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Ephesians in the series Lesson 8, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: The Holy Spirit in our daily lives for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Ephesians.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 102.

The allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now:

---The role of the Holy Spirit.

---It is Fountain View Academy and it is a Korean main singer at the SDA Youth Congress:

---Does Jesus feel the nails every time I sin?

---Allocated Himself fully to humanity is the role and function of the Holy Spirit the third member of the Trinity.

---People are saying they feel that their prayers are just reaching the ceiling and no further. They must be joking.

---The most unselfish member of the universe is probably just like the Father and Son an image of, is the Holy Spirit. Very patient like all three of Them.

---Despite years of painful causing sin in the face of the Holy Spirit and one’s legion of angels supporting and protecting us daily, they keep hanging around.

---They wait until we are ready to want to be saved, want to serve, want to be holy, want to live a godlike life.

---That divine being hanging around is the Holy Spirit.

---I remember that there was a period in my life that I could not be successful as I was striving to be.

---Ambition to finish my doctoral.

---Then the Holy Spirit one day in an airplane while reading Joel and Amos in the original Hebrew, revealed to me my sin.

---I made a covenant with God to immediately stop. They were all very quiet. It was as if I was all alone.

---Quiet? Absent? No, present. It was holy seconds. Heaven held their breath while a chatter about my resolution and will to never again.

---As quiet as it was the Holy Spirit was working in me.

---And then the years came for Him to work day and night and help me keep my covenant with the Trinity.

---Result? Tremendous success. Unbelieving fast forward in my life.

---When one can see a dark period and light period in one’s life, it is the work of the Holy Spirit and He is very successful in whatever He does.

---Cooperation is needed every moment. And it is very simple things that are tampering us in our lives. Those the Spirit get rid of and open the way for a wonderful walk with Them.

---Are you walking with the Trinity? Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Spirit in you, Father the One Who Agape loves us and sent Christ and Who is the Ancient of Days Judge since 1844 in Daniel 7 and Christ the Victor and Overcomer specialist of the Cross event and our Advocate in the Court of Heaven and the Holy Spirit in us, quietly waiting and working. Wonderful is it not?