The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 7, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: Mission as asking the AI or the TI for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 87.

The allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now:

---“Sometimes we want answers but do not put in the work ourselves to find them. Jesus said: ‘What is written in the Law? How do you read it?’ (Luke 10:26, ESV).”

---It was a laywer coming to question Jesus. He had a question and sought an answer but with bad intentions.

---But we want answers and in future will use the AI to answer them. Or the Bible? Shortcut: AI.

---But what will AI answer in future?


---Are we a Elijah Remnant Adventist who consults the TI (theological Intelligence) or a Broadway Fusion Adventist consulting the AI?

---Jesus liked the narrow way.

---How long is AI’s going to help people and organizations with their evangelism and Bible Studies and baptisms before the “upper-room” or “AI Editorial Room” is going to block, ;cut, stop or select their preferences.

---What preferences? I saw a 2007 Korean government official delivering a paper online to give advice to Theological Seminaries about their curriculum for future Education design.

---“Preferably the Bible should not be used. Instead, it should be replaced by social, psychological, care for the disabled, care for the elderly, care for children, entertainment, providing for the poor and these programs. But not Bible.

---And that is where AI is going to hit the fan with an Elijah Remnant Adventist but not with a Broadway Fusion Adventist.

---Why? For your Broadway Fusion Adventist is the world conformist Adventist.

---Anything is fine and anything goes. Cook on Sabbath? No problem. Women Ordained? No Problem. Woman elders against 1 Timothy 3:2? No problem. Eating shell-fish in the soup? No problem. Eating beef and pork sometimes? No problem. Hello to the Broadway Fusion Adventist.

---So AI is for them “heaven” and the Bible is for them “hell”.

---Three people came together to agree on something, an agnostic, a Rabbi and an Adventist.

---The agnostic said: I eat anything. The Rabbi said, do not eat pork. The Adventist agreed but added, do not eat beef at all because these days they pump them up with hormones and besides they are fed in battery stalls style. No exercise.

---So the AI robot feeders in the upperroom, the AI Editors, sit with a problem: how to answer someone on this issue.

---Of course, from a biblical point of view the Rabbi is better because of Leviticus 11 and the Adventist is better because of modern problems in beef production regarding anti-pesticides applications.

---But the AI does not want to “hurt, or hate” anyone. So the AI will not take position but just clinically list three positions on the issue: agnostic, Rabbi and Adventist and give everyone’s view and says: it is up to you to choose.

---So the average man in the street who believes media and its upper-room Editors or feeders (own agendas besides) will say, “The AI says it has no definitive answer so I will also not take a definitive answer”.

---What does the Elijah Remnant Adventist say: Ask the Bible. Leviticus 11 still applies and in the book of Revelation written in 97 AD John, the last disciple to live, wrote about “unclean birds”. He still had in view Leviticus 11 long after the crucifixion of Jesus in 31AD!

---Leviticus 11 is about health-laws in what we eat and it was not nailed to the cross. Sorry Reformation Theologians of all brands.

---So what is the golden rule for any AI robot used by us: The words of Paul: “If anyone or anything [AI included] teaches you anything different from what I taught you through the Scriptures [Bible] even if he/she is an angel from heaven, [or an AI robot], if it is different than what I taught you, let it [AI] him or she be anathema”.

---Got it?

---So what are our computer departments doing on our campuses? Helping the world designing AI’s? Or helping to design AI’s for gospel and evangelism use as the links shows above and professors involved with this task.

---Are you a computer specialist? Hook up with a salted Theology professor of the Adventist church and start creating special AI’s for advancing the spread of the gospel. With correct content and proper guidance not indecisive hick-up approaches. Correct?

---When? Immediately. Is you phone out?