The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Ephesians in the series Lesson 4, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: Ephesians 2 mirroring Christ for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Ephesians.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God".

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 48.

The allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why don’t you click on this link right now:

---We are created by grace. From millions of sperms swimming up the channel of the mother towards the ovum, you came first. Winner! By grace.

---Millions could have been, but it was you.

---So starting this victory with a live given to you, heartbeat keep going, brain keep thinking, blood keep circulating, food keep digesting, senses keep enjoying beauty of nature around us. Enjoying relationships around us. But what about relationship above?

---Paul in Ephesians 2 says: Hey, you need to look above. You were a cute baby until you became a teenager then you messed up. Right?

---You were dead in trespasses and sins (2:1).

---Satan misled you 2:2 or is still doing it?

---You were or are following the lusts of the flesh that pulls the mind and Holy Spirit down (2:3).

---But the One Who helped you win your running race to the ovum of your mother at conception, that One is rich in mercy (2:4).

---The Greek in 2:4 opens with a de particle that means “but God”.

---Where are you now? Above. Paul is saying look up for a change.

---You were or is dead in sins. But Christ came to do His divine job in trying to save everyone. Including you. 2:5.

---So that ability or potential of good news and good futures is wrapped up in the work of Christ coming, living, dying, sitting with acceptance of His Father, qualified as Priest for intercessor for us and qualified as Advocate for us in the Investigative Judgment. That is Jesus in the heavenlies (2:6).

---Why is the Trinity so involved with us?

---2:7 that they in Eternity can show the grace, love and kindness towards us through Christ Jesus.

---Yeah but I am not a good man and none of my actions are kosher or sober.

---Get saved first. Instantaneous surrender instantaneous forgiveness and then. Then what?

---2:8 Say you are not saved by your works. You were not there when Christ suffered and did everything? Were you?

---What about good works then. I stay as I am…bad?

---No. 2:10. “Created in Christ upon (epi) good works”. If it was “unto” Paul would use the preposition eis = unto. But he said “upon” = epi.

---Upon Who’s works? Christ’s. We are created upon the Example or Template of a proper living of Christ of Nazareth walking and talking on earth?

---We are to resemble Him in our daily living!

---Get upon the lifestyle of Jesus and His good works template and start your sanctified life imitating Him.

---You get upon a horse. Who is carrying you? The horse. You get on the good works of Christ. Who is working cooperatively with you? Christ.

---Should we do the works Christ did. The good works? Paul answered that also: 2:10 “that we should walking around (peripatesomen) in them”.

---In them? Upon the good works. Mirror Christ. When? Right now. Did you surrender to Christ? Be willing first then give up then receive then walk. Nice right?