Understanding Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Short Notes


Koot van Wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD) Visiting Professor Kyungpook National University, Sangju Campus, South Korea, Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College, Australia


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In the center of this tunnel are the footprints of Yahweh who revealed Himself to Moses and asked Moses to take off his shoes and follow Him. He did and those are the black footprints next to the big ones. God gave him the Torah or revelation of Himself and the ten commandments, the summary of His character including the seal of ownership symbol of the seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday rest for humanity, not for the Jews only. It is a reiteration of what was given to Adam and Eve already before. Judaism clings to Moses and the Old Testament alone.

The Old Testament including Moses and including the Ten commandments as well as the seventh-day Sabbath was kept when Jesus the Jew came Who was Yahweh Himself. That is why Jesus footprints are inside Yahweh’s because He walk as Yahweh as a divine-human. Something Judaism denies and that is why they killed Him on the cross and Christianity was born. This tunnel of revelation of God is from a Seventh-day Sabbath, as Saturday keeping Christian exactly the same and including the Old Testament minus Judaism of late.

Then about 620 years later than the Jew Jesus, came the Arab Mo and he compounded his own religion in what scholars like Moshe Sharon and Mordechai Kedar described as an eclectic pick and choose composite religion with elements from Judaism, Christianity, Heathen religions and some self-adaption. The religion of Islam is not part of the tunnel but outside of it. They are knowledgeable of many characters in the tunnel but from the outside, names were rhymed, scholars are saying, and also Jesus is mentioned but not as Yahweh or divine, just like Judaism. That is why Judaism is actually outside the tunnel and not inside it. There are more reasons why Judaism is outside the tunnel. In Psalm 110 they deny the Trinity since the Hebrew reads without doubt that one divine speaks to another divine to sit on His right hand together. So the Targum of Judaism adjusted the text to fit their mono-theistic absolutism in full. In Amos 1-2 the plural “we” are used in the original but in their translations Judaism and the Middle Age Rabbis of fame, have changed it into “I”. Genesis 1 reads without doubt “Let us make…” All these examples are scooped-up by the atheist and nihilist J. Gerricke to be presented at the SBL as examples of many gods and pantheons in the Old Testament as if they grew from polytheism (earlier) to monotheism later. Not so. It was the Trinity from the beginning since the Spirit of God was also over the waters. That is why Judaism is outside the tunnel and not inside. If one wants to follow Yahweh, one has to follow Him by accepting His words without emendation and without superimposition of one’s own Ideology or understanding.

Then came Mo and he is also outside the tunnel. In each case only the hand of these or footprints are shown to prevent taboo criers to feel uncomfortable. Islam’s “god” is Allah and Judaism is Elohim. The bird in the picture above says that these religions are the same since they are all part of humanity and all religions in the bird’s view are anthropologically designed by humans and are thus in essence speaking to the same humanistic needs and fears, and psychological handicaps, no matter what the culture or race. The bird uses egalitarianism and uniformatism as ideology to operate with humanity. All are equal and there is no good/bad scenario in their thinking. Everyone is good and everyone is bad at the same time, therefore the three religions are in essence in their thinking on the same level and for them there is no tunnel in sight, only the three religions phenomenologically.

The ant in the bottom of the picture do not consider the three religions as the same. “They are not the same” he says. There are members of society who studied into the three religions long enough to see that epistemologically and theologically, content-wise, according to their “holy canons” they are not the same. The whole world are full of people who are either the bird or the ant. Associated Press is “bird” controlled and wishes to use uniformatism and egalitarianism to design the future world.

Secularism is the bird approach. They are overlooking the epistemological aspects of difference of the various religions and wish to embrace all. They also deny that the origin of problems are connected to the content of a religion or ideology of a religion. It is only the psychological frame of the individual or individuals that are given attention.

The crusades of Christians in the Middle Ages when the Roman Catholic Empire or Holy Roman Empire was at reign for 1260 years stretching exactly from 538-1798, were outside the tunnel. It was done on the basis of some skew views of eschatology with pre-millennialism as ingredient. For a 1000 the Messiah will reign on earth at Jerusalem and in order to secure this, they had to go and procure Jerusalem back and that needed some fighting. They were bound to make eschatology happen. This was epistemological a content theoretical base (albeit misunderstanding the Bible) that led them to these strange actions.

The evangelism by force of Indians in South America after 1492 as recorded by Andrew Willet in his book on the Antichrist online written in 1610, is outside the tunnel. God works through self-conviction with the freewill option to reject or accept, or to accept and then again reject or vice versa.

Islam religion is outside the tunnel as well. If one tries to approach them by explaining that they are the same, it may be detrimental. Allah is not Yahweh of the Old Testament nor Jesus of the New. They are very emphatic about that. And sure it is not. Allah is not a Trinity and the characteristics of Allah are different than those of Elohim of the Old Testament. Scholars are very clear on this and so is the Dictionary of Islam written in England in 1898.

In 2004 a writer from Tunisia wrote an article to explain what the Takfiri doctrine is in Islam. Anyone who is confused as to what is going on in Islam today, should read this article. Takfiri doctrine means “excommunication” or “migration”. It is old but a modern origin is in 1954 with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Then it had later application around 1961/2 and is used currently by extremist radicals to mean that Muslims must leave their country and migrate globally and like a Trojan horse, blend into the culture, adapt, adopt and change but wait for the right moment to be militant. It is a very scary article but the good news was already given by God in Joel 2:28 that at the end time the Spirit of God in the “Latter Rain event” is going to fall on all flesh to give them a chance to convert. Regardless of what is planned by who, there is another Who in the picture that has His own plans and He will consummate history His way.


Dear God

Jeremiah 18:1-10 gives us Your picture as the God who instantly can bring a nation down or set up another. We live knowing that You guide history and will make things happen beyond our imagination or greatest fears. Thanks for that. Amen