How to be an Adventist without losing your mind


---The idea of the topic comes from a group of Catholics who wrote a College Book for Students as Guide how not to lose your mind as a Catholic student.

---A note should be made which of the ones in the list a proper Adventist cannot go along with.

---Catholics feel that Fundamentalism is a danger for Catholicism and it should be pointed out to a bad Catholic who is seeking a Guide to a Good Living as Catholic.

---What is Fundamentalism. It is the notion that the Text is serious for reality and demands that we get in line with it really and not just mentally or liturgically.

---It is the notion that the Bible is the Word of God as text and in its form set to be that by the Editor the Holy Spirit.

---Fundamentalism says you have to fundamentally following the semantics of the text and take it serious and act and live to that honesty.

---Those who are against Fundamentalism, and I think here of James Barr who wrote a book against it, basically wants to keep living in their style of living without changing. Therefore, the Bible is rejected as saying they have to change.

---How is it rejected? By saying one should not take the Bible literally. You need to look past the literal text to behind, in front, on the side, above or below the text. But not in the text. Bla.

---If you keep in the text and from the text directly, you are a Biblicist.

---To be a Biblicist or Fundamentalist is wrong in SBL popular thinking and consensus. James Barr succeeded to brainwash all of them. Well, they all do not want to change things in their lives, correct?

---Dennis Stevens from Oregon wrote in Spectrum that Wesleyanism in modern times are no longer Fundamentalists so why should Adventism that got their salvation theories from Wesley, keep biblical? Bla.

---So we have Old Wesley thinking in the 1750’s and modern Wesleyanism and the twain do not meet. Got it?

---We have John Calvin and Theodor Bezae with his Predestination book and changing of the biblical text at James 2:22 from John Calvin’s cooperatus to aid or assistance so that good works aid faith whereas Calvin translated the Greek word exactly and correctly as cooperatus, working together with the Holy Spirit not just aiding the Spirit.

---Calvin is not Calvinism. And whereas these people like Calvin et al was Fundamentalists and Biblicists, the SBL Calvinists are no longer and added to that, against Fundamentalism.

---Listen to Ellen White’s warning that in later times things will change, in Great Controversy page 261 “These monstrous doctrines are essentially the same as the later teaching of popular educators and theologians ---that there is no unchangeable divine law as the standard of right, but that the standard of morality is indicated by society itself, and has constantly been subject to change”. Hello. A bit of wisdom from 1888.

---Developmental Paradigms: Scholars at our universities, not all, some, teaches that Ellen White went through a series of developments that changed her views on matters and one should distinguish with which period of Ellen White you are dealing. So splitting authority up in sections and throwing it out as a choice to be made which you want to accept for yourself and which not, you are using eclecticism as a Guide to truth. Bla.

---Cynicism: Raymond Cottrell in his autobiographical notes added to his workpieces that he donated to Loma Linda University Library and which was copied for James White Library and which can be downloaded and studied, showed how cynical this individual was about Ellen White, about promoting Woman Ordination, about calling for an independent Division to be made for the NAD, about skepticism of the Investigative Judgment in heaven, about introducing to Adventism more preterism (the own time meaning of prophecies rather than the historicism progressive ages layout).

---Feminism: The whole insistence of Woman Ordination by anyone is a warning to a student that these people are not willing to follow the Bible and that they are aligning rather to modern Jurisprudence or Culture shaping that Jurisprudence than the Bible in 1 Timothy 2:3.

---Modernism: The only real post-modernists are Adventists, Gerhard Hasel said and Fernando Canale also had remarks on it. Modernism is skeptical to authority, skeptical to inspiration of the Word of God, cynic of the Word of God which they rather see as a total product of humans void of any inspiration.

---Progressivism: This fake idea is a danger to young students because it is a theory that what is new is truth. What is old, is heresy.

---Multiculturalism: It is the fake idea that there is no impediment in any culture and that a clean approach to multicultural situations is to incorporate all on an equal level and not to criticize or reprimand anyone. Think of alcohol, multi-wives, smoking, clothing styles for women, superstition’s role etc.

---Americanism: It is the fake idea that should you go to the USA you will go to a dream country. For some it will be, for others…well.

---Relativism: It is the fake idea that there is no normativism and no standard and thus the Bible cannot tell us what we should or should not do. Every truth decision is relative and one must use common sense and one’s own decision to choose between what is best and what not.

---Scientism: It is the fake idea that only Science is empiricism and that Empiricism is the only way to full understanding. It does not realize the fallacy that there are many grey areas in Science. Human knowledge, science or not, are limited and can just go so far and no further at times. Opinion and axioms and prejudices also play a part in the description of science in a Lab.

---Sentimentalism: When a person likes someone or something very much they get attached to it and can be made happy by seeing it after a long time. For some people to be sentimental about things in their past can prevent them from making another choice for something new in future. Plato said, unless something is evil, to change is one of the most dangerous things to do.

---Consumerism: For many spending on items not needed is a must. It is a fake idea that there are no limits to what you want and what you pay for what you want.

---Hedonism: If you look at the School of Athens painted by Rafael at the Cystene Chapel at the Vatican in 1504, you see left Plato standing in the middle on the steps with his finger up [heaven is reality above not on earth]. On the right of him is Aristotle standing with the finger to the ground saying “heaven is right here on earth, therefore enjoy your life now because tomorrow you die”, thus hedonism.

---Everyone of us has a choice to make whether we want to follow the wide road of the world or the narrow road of Christ. Two ways, only one choice.

---If your professor or teacher or pastor teaches you any of these problems, or fakes, you need to get to him/her and correct. Understand?

---Culture versus Bible: The fake is that modern culture is more important than the Bible. The idea that one should replace the Old Hymn Books for modern K-pop style music and singing styles.

---The Bible for then rather than the Bible for now in digi-modernism: This is also a fake. God in His infinite Wisdom described our period also. Did you ever read the NASA description in Habakkuk 2:9 “set his nest on high that he may be delivered from the power of evil”?

---Have seen the Astronomical comment of Moses in Job 26:7 written in Midian in 1460 BC saying that “hung the earth upon nothing”. Sorry Copernicus and Galileo. You are not first. Deep studies in ancient Astronomy indicates that the Greeks had three views of the earth: egg, paper, coin. Who said pillars and flat? Middle Ages Church. Sorry.

---The Bible do say you have to keep Saturday as Sabbath for the Seventh-day. Correct?

---The Bible do say Jesus was baptized as an adult in the Jordan river by John the Baptist. Correct?

---The Bible do say you need to wash your feet before the Lord’s Supper. “If I do it as your Master you need to do it…”

---So honesty to literal reading are important despite what any professor, teacher or pastor tells you.

---So you need to contact a Seventh-day Adventist pastor near you to help you understand it better. When? Immediately. Is your phone out?