The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Psalms series Lesson 11, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The opening song is Hymn 229 “Spirit of the Living God”.

The Topic today is: “Worship that never ends in the Psalms for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Psalms.”

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 150-151.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---Worship that never ends is our theme for this week in the Sabbath School Lesson.

---Psalms that goes beyond historical time, is what should be selected in this lesson.

---Are there evidence that David or any other author of the Psalms understood that historical time is not the only Aristotelian time available to humanity. That this world’s reality is not the only reality ever for a human?

---Plato, the teacher of Aristotle use to say that reality is in heaven not on earth, so he liked the Egyptian priest’s understanding of the immortal ka that separates from the body to go to heaven on the heavenly Nile at the evening when Ra the sungod dies.

---So Plato passed on to Christian denominations, other than Adventists, the doctrine of the immortality of the soul.

---Is there data in the Psalms of an eternal period of happiness in future?

---In Psalm 18:50 two words were transposed compared to 2 Samuel 22:50 and again it is a case of aslip of the memory by the scribe of Psalm 18 during the exile.

---Was the Psalm composed during the exile? No. It got a Xerox copy of an exilic kind.

---A note on translation of Psalm 18:2 where David is saying in the Hebrew,

I will love You, Lord my strength" which was left out of his biography in 2 Samuel 22. The Coptic translation also translated it with a Future first person singular I will love You".

---Is your translation of the actions of God between Psalm 18:8-19 in the present or past tense? The original verbs are all Future and should be translated asHe will . . .“.

---It is the eschaton in mind here and God’s program was very clear to David and others, namely the succession of Second Coming, then a millennium in heaven and then the Hell with the Warrior Messiah taking care of that Great Battle with words resulting inelimination and not with actions of militancy.

---In this Psalm the images that were known well from iconography of the Ancient Near East of power like dragons or great animals of fear, were used to say that in that eschatological day, what the ordinary public in David

s day think is fearful, will come about but this time that“monster” will not be their monster but God.

---David almost says to the wicked,“Call your monster‘God’ because He is going to do great things in the Eschaton when He will eliminate evil”.

---Nice. Right? Walther Eichrodt in Old Testament Theology volumes I and II made the error of putting all Old Testament data and themes in one basket. He took themes out and when there is meager evidence, he concludes there was absence of information on the theme.

---What a methodological mistake! And all Theologians followed him.

---Eshcatology is only from the Persian period and stolen from Persian religion he postulates. Wrongly, I must add.

---Here is the true principle: If the Bible says little about something, it is because everyone knows it very well. Just the opposite of Eichrodt. Sorry Eichrodt and kie. SBL needs to be rewritten. Correct?

---So David in 1030 BC knew very well about the Eschaton and Eschatology. He was not Persian influenced by Zoroastrianism that did not exist yet. Correct?

---Modern scholars try to say that Hebrew religion borrowed their ideas and religion from the Canaanites.

---What modern scholars want to say is that when you read about monsters, it was the baggage of his Baal gods of dragons and monsters that he unpacked in the Hebrew temple about Yahweh. Fushion thinking.

---The bottomline of God’s eschatology remains unchanged. The metaphors that are used to describe that may use different paints than what others are using but not that different.

---Moses used dinosaurs in Job 40 and Leviathan or crocodiles in Job 41 to describe the mighty actions. That was in 1460 BC in the wilderness of Midian when he wrote this. That is more than 400 years before David.

---So do not say that we need to find a Canaanite monster-religion convert to account for Psalm 18. Correct?

---Aristotlelian-agnostic thinking is that one must gain from life while you live because when you die there is nothing.

---Psalm 104:33 in the lesson says the same in Christian terms: “I will sing to the Lord as long as I live”.

---In death there is no singing. True. But Aristotle says: no singing forever. Adventist Christians are saying, no when Jesus comes is the resurrection of the dead and there will be singing again and that will be an ability forever.

---Hand raising in church. What about it? Well in Psalm 134:2 the security staff of the temple is asked to lift up their hands and bless the Lord at night. Is it the church practice? No. Night time. Deep in the sleeping hours of most people. Sorry.

---Also in Psalm 143:6 David is personally stretching his hands out to God in prayer in the night for in verse 8 he says "in the morning...." Everyone else is sleeping in the palace.  Sorry. 

---What about hand-clapping in church? Hand-clapping in church, says non-SDA’s who studied it also, is only at the Eschaton when the evil is conquered and finally eradicated.

---Hand-clapping in biblical times, was not to congratulate someone, but to mock someone for going down and be eliminated. Examples: cities destroyed. Enemy removed. Evil died. We have lots to change. Are we not?

---What about dancing in church? Psalm 149 and 150 says dancing is with timbrel and harp. On earth? No in heaven. Psalm 150:1 is praising Him in His sanctuary. Where is His sanctuary? In heaven. Where is the firmament of His power? In heaven. 

---The new song of Psalm 149:1 is when? Ask Revelation 14:3. It is in heaven. Can we dance in church? Sorry. 

---So where do you worship this coming weekend? Is your smartphone out and navigate to the nearest Adventist church in your area at 9h30 not to miss the Sabbath School lesson. Correct? When? Now.