The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 6, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Mission as people resolute willing to change for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 72-74.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---What switched people on for Mission?


---They changed their lives and focus and motivation in life.

---How does the paradigm-shift happen?

---Theodore Bezae, the friend and successor of John Calvin did a mistake in 1588 to come out with a book on God selecting some to die and some to be saved. He would answer our question that God made the shift happen.

---Then two pastors object to what Bezae wrote and started publishing a protest.

---Jacobus Arminius was a Dutch Reform Calvinist Pastor at that time and was asked to confront the opposition to Bezae and Calvin.

---He did but slowly came to understand that both Bezae and Calvin got it wrong.

---If you follow the church-fathers, you end up with predestination but if you follow the Bible only without them, there is free will.

---So Arminius would answer that one has to choose to change. Then God will use his Holy Spirit to change the person.

---Calvinists argued that God converted the person so the person change. First God then the person do what He makes the person to do.

---Not so, said Arminius. God appealed for the person to change. The person responded by free will a choice and now the Holy Spirit cooperatively works together to change the person.

---Arminius was quite a learned man. Gomarus was a professor and in the 1602 plaque, two of his colleages in the Theology department died and they brought Jacobus Arminius as lecturer.

---Gomarus was a strong Calvinist. They differed.

---Arminius was investigated for his non-Calvinistic views by the High Court in downtown but they found him innocent of accusations against him.

---He preached on Romans 7 and 9 not the same as Calvinists and another series of accusations followed.

---They wanted him to be branded a heretic. So accusers were writing wrong things he never said.

---Gomarus turned against him even when he was sick in his last year in 1609. He died of Tuberculosis.

---People reacted very much because Arminius was kind, friendly, caring, popular but Gomarus was difficult in personality.

---The Council of Dort in 1618 was to declare Arminius wrong and Gomarus helped them.

---Arminius had five points that they summarized after his death in 1610 of which we will mention one: some depravity but not total depravity. Conditional election not absolute election.

---Do you know that the lifestyle of a person affects what the person shall be: Adventist traditional Arminianism (according to Denis Fortin of Andrews Advenitsts are Arminianism) or LaRondelle, Knight Adventist “Calvinism/Reformed style”.

---Why? Lifestyle.

---It is amaybe that people who are divorced and remarried are tending to have an anti-Establishment syndrome in their subconscious views.

---Canright, Cotttrell, and ….and…

---Larondelle was not remarried but studied under the ecumenist Berkhouwer at the Free University of Amsterdam.

---What his reason was we do not know.

---Are these men faithful? Yes. They all try to be saved one day.

---So the disciples had their twists and turns.

---Peter was wondering a lot after he saw the tomb of Jesus is empty.

---It was changing day for him.

---Reality arrived point blank with the women coming with their news and he seeing the tomb empty.

---The disciples’ lifestyle had much to be shaken off as well. They were also wondering and Jesus had to physically appear to them to confirm their faith.

---Christ told them that the Law, the prophets and Psalms were packed with signals that He had to follow to identify Him as the true Messiah. It was done by the Holy Spirit the Editor of the Bible. Nice. Correct?

---So now you and I are sitting with the Book of the Holy Spirit in our hands. Reality knocks on our doors.

---It is paradigm shift day for us. When? Now. Call the pastor of the Adventist church nearest to you and say to him that you want to hear more about this requirement to live for Christ and change by the Holy Spirit. Is your phone in your hand?