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Studying Psalms in the series Lesson 1, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “The Psalmotherapeutic use of the Psalms.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on pages 7-11.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---There are beautiful thoughts here and there in the lesson this week.

---The Psalms are all inspired although they come from a very long period.

---The lesson pointed out that the Holy Spirit inspired men and their experiences to be put down in writing for generations to come.

---The lesson also indicated that every aspect of life may come up as a Psalm.

---The Western view of the world is a box idea with every aspect of life in an independent little box.

---Not so with Semitic and Ancient writings. Their writings included worship and ordinary life mixed totally or holistically.

---Some time ago, maybe in 2022, I published an article on the Incantation of the Tooth or the Legend of the Worm.

---It is a neo-Babylonian cuneiform text and was used by dentists in those days to expel the bad spirits during dentist practices.

---At the end he repeats a formula of curse and then grab the worm and kills it.

---It illustrates that god and ordinary dentistry are combined.

---Due to Maslow five society needs hiarchy the whole world is deceived because the sixth need, the need to worship or reach out or the supra-natural, meaning the need to seek God or god or Mars as heaven etc, was clinically cut out of the picture of the World View.

---Thus, all systems of the establishment of all countries are working without religion in their system and insist that it is the best way of living too.

---What works for a government is now lay out to bulldoze religion out of all systems as successful and need in all walks of life. Wrong.

---If the human need of religion is not fulfilled, man will become nihilistic, atheistic, agnostic, and definitely pessimistic, all ingredients of suicide or potentials of suicide. Hello.

---So that is why Church Fathers like Origen believed that the Old and New Testaement, including the Psalms, is a witness to one revelation.

---Origen felt that all Scriptures are Holy Spirit inspired.

---He said that the interpreter can illuminate one biblical text by using another biblical text. (see the work of J. N. B. Carleton Paget page 529 of the book in 2015 on Christian Exegesis in the Alexandrian Tradition).

---The Holy Spirit can illuminate certain obscure parts of Scripture Origen felt.

---Pagan grammarians felt that it helps to illuminate the literal meaning of the text. Not so for Origen, he felt it helps to illuminate the spiritual meaning of the text. That is how he arrived at his symbolical allegorical interpretations even of literal clear texts. Thus, going wrong.

---When Origen works with the sensus literalis, or literal sense of the biblical text, he was not concerned to speak what is literally there. He felt that the author of the texts saw some spiritual depth and it is behind the literal text. So he was always hunting for the spiritual shadows behind the literal form of the text. That is the problem of Origen and that is the problem of many people today also.

---Psalmotherapy is the belief in the capacity of the Psalms to cure spiritual ills. It was similar to the function of the Bible for Origen of which we just mentioned.

---Already in 1996 this concept of Psalmotherapy was mentioned.

---There is a certain truth in this concept. The Bible is a living Word and is used by the Holy Spirit to inspire, illuminate and reveal to the human brain aspects of life necessary for that person. It can be any person.

---It can be healing. It can be psychologically releaving people of tensions.

---So is your Psalm open? Are you reading it? Are you living it? Every aspect of life is dealt with in it. It is almost a mini-Bible.

---Is your navigation out to check the nearest Adventist church to go and study Psalms from 10h to 11h on Saturday morning? When. Immediately check.