Astronomy of the observation of Sirius as norm for choosing the dating of the 18th Dynasty

---Do not let any article on Astronomy make you unstable about the High Chronology for the 18th Dynasty.

---There is a star Sirius that appeared every 1456 years or 1460 years.

---There is the issues whether scribes counted co-regency included or excluded.

---Then there is a third element: from where was the observation made.

---There are three observation points possibilities in Egypt: Heliopolis, Thebes and Elephantine.

---Memphis or Heliopolis lies in the Nile Delta in the North.

---Thebes is in the center of Egypt.

---Elephantine is on the Nile but in the South of the country.

---A scholar Ward indicated that if the observation in papyrus Ebers was made from Heliopolis it was in 1541 BC if the length was 1456 years and 1545 BC if the length of Sirius cycle is 1460 years.

---If the observation was made from Thebes, the Ebers papyrus is talking about an event that occurred in 1523 or 1527 BC depending how long the Sirius cycle is.

---If the observation is made from Elephantine, then the recording of the Papyrus Ebers of the 9th year of Amenhotep I would have been in 1519 BC or 1523, again depending on the length of the cycle of Sirius, 1456 years or 1460 years.

---So if scholars with a low chronology is arguing for the date 1519 BC as the 9th year of Amenhotep I, then smile nicely and remember this principle about astronomical reckonings in the literature of Egypt.