The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Psalms in the series Lesson 3, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “The God Who Reigns yet modified in our World too as the Psalms say.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on pages until page 35.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---For those who do not know, the sovereign reign of God in the universe has a modified practicality on earth due to the Great Controversy that started in heaven and this locus in the universe as the only place where evil were cornered into.

---We would have been also safe, but Adam and Eve sold us to Satan.

---So Satan claims and thinks. But, God is still the Owner of all creation on this earth because He made it and sustains it despite thorns on roses, despite droughts and pain He provides healing.

---Why does everything die? Death decree. Satan said to Eve, no do not believe God, you will never die. Thus the view of the Immortality of the Soul by Satan and swallowed up by all churches through Augustine who loved Plato, the heathen Greek philosopher so much. Hello.

---So when sin came, God lay out His historical plan in chronological phases with long-term prophecies as “windows of heaven” opened to the faithful to tell them what to expect phase by phase.

---Restoration? Yes at the end of the historical daily experience against Satan’s temptations and onslaughts with victory through the covenant making Trinity with three sovereign roles and functions, each in His sphere: a loving continual presence invisible around and in us by the Holy Spirit, a loving Christ living and dying for us on the cross in 31 AD as prophecied exactly by the 490 years prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27, a loving Father Who is also a loving Judge in the Investigative Judgment for the saints (1 Peter 4:17) since 1844 (Daniel 8:13-14).

---It was always Spiritual Israel that was God’s focus. When Israel for example came out of Egypt, there were spiritual Hebrews but also secular Hebrews leaving Egypt.

---The secular Habiru settled in Ugarit or Rash Shamra in Syria around 1405 BC. That is when the earliest Ugarit texts were written, during the days of Thutmosis IV. At least three or four text dates from this Pharaoh, who died probably near 1405 BC.

---So the Baal Cycles cuneiform texts and Dagon texts, because there were two temples to these gods at Ugarit, show remarkable correspondences with some Psalms. That is what M. Dahood, the Catholic scholar found and the Anchor Bible Psalms is his product.

---He went overboard about these parallels and thouoght Hebrew religion stole their ideas in Psalms from Ugarit and Canaanite literary productions.

---A kind of plagiarism of Canaanite ideas and then warmed up by Hebrews like David to call it his own Psalm without mentioning the origin! Hello.

---But who came first? The chicken or the egg? Moses wrote Psalm 90 and he died in 1410 BC. Ugarit Baal Cycle texts started in 1405 BC, no earlier. Hello.

---So with God the Spirit and God the Messiah and God the Ancient of Days of Daniel 7:10-13, or loving (John 3:16) Judge, you are in safe hands. If you are faithful.

---Are you?

---You cannot properly read the Psalms if you do not have the historical phases correct: Spiritual Israel not race and blood Israel; Great Controversy in Heaven and since on earth until this day between Satan and Christ; Christ as Creator (John 1:1-2) and the Holy Spirit as enjoyer of the Creation at Creation since the Spirit of God was over the waters (first day of Creation), and the Father was also deeply involved in the Creation “Let us make men in Our Image” (Genesis 1:26). Long-term prophecies: 70 years of Babylonian exile, 490 years to Christ from Ezra 7 or 457 BC, 2300 years from the same date (Daniel 8:14), 1260 years from 538 AD for the fifth empire or Little Horn period after Classical Rome.

---You cannot properly read the Psalms with a view that before the Cross God concentrated on physical genetic Israel but after Christ on spiritual Israel.

---Israel misunderstood God’s view from the beginning.

---Even today, people do not get it right in the Remnant that it is about spiritual qualification not genetic or physical qualification.

---How do you know that? Because of Ruth. Moabite in a Hebrew genealogy of Christ. Your God is my God. Hello. The preteristic genetic Israel view of the Ridderbos Dutch Calvinists who wrote Psalm commentaries, are not correct.

---If you read Ellen White classics like Patriarchs and Prophets, you will see that God was only interested in Faith from the very beginning, from Adam and Eve. Abel but not Cain. Got it?

---Psalm 29 is the psalm of the seven thunders. The “Voice of the Lord” is a sound imitation of the thunder of lightning. Qol adonay. If you say “qol” in the original Hebrew, it sounds like the explosing thunder. Nice right?

---William Shea presented the Psalm in the context of the Judgment of God. The Judgment is from the heavenly temple (also in his book, William Shea, Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation in Daniel & Revelation Committee Series Vol. I [Lincoln, Nebraska: College View Printers, 1982], 6). The Lord is coming from the sea and move into the country and up between the mountains of the Lebanon and anti-Lebanon. It is a Psalm of Judgment.

(Consult my Guide on Psalms please for more detail).


---Are you ready to look at these fascinating Psalms listed in the lesson one by one? Do you want to enrich and uplift your spiritual life? Do you care to?

---You need to be at Church in an Adventist denomination near you on Saturday morning at 9h30 in the parkinglot waiting for them to start the Sabbath School Lesson. Tell them, I told you just to come for the lesson. You can go after the lesson. You are welcome. Agreed? Is your navigation out? Get it ready. See you there.