Invention of a communication device for stroke patients

koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)
Visiting Professor
Kyungpook National University
Sangju Campus
South Korea
Conjoint lecturer of Avondale College
31 May 2012-05-31


         Stroke patients cannot always speak. Some can only move their eyes and one hand slightly. A device is necessary to help them speak. Here is a suggestion for a patent communication device for stroke patients.
Umoove software are used to assist the patient. Nano-technology is necessary for the hardware design of the glasses.
        An electronic giant like Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, Telefunken, Phillips, etc. is necessary to supply micro-chips and thin computer screens.
        Fashion designers are necessary to add to the finishing touch.
        Every year millions of stroke patients and other infirmaties causes humanity to suffer communicating.
        This patent by koot van wyk today, intends to maybe help these suffering patients in future.
        A sketch is supplied to show how it will work.
         The patient can move with his/her eyes the cursor on the screen inside the glasses. The glasses consist of a double screen. The outside screen is to display the final result of the communication in the appropriate language, big fonts of what the stroke patients selected with the eye-movement inside. Software, called Umoove is used for this purpose.
        At the bottom of the software screen they eyes of the patients double click to enter so that another lexicon page with words appear. Page 2 for example will have the word thirsty and by double clicking with the eyes, thirsty appears on the screen for the nurse or family member to see and thank you is also selected. Colors can be used for the words to make selection faster and to help younger children choosing easier.
       The hope is expressed that a billionare will come forward to help ease the pain and suffering of many members of humanity through sponsoring the design, manufacturing and marketing and updating of such a device.
       God gives people abilities to see devices possible to ease people’s suffering and when humans participate in the idea or concept they are eventually becoming instruments to God’s plan for humanity.
       All rights claimed by presenter of the idea.

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