The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 2, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Mission to the whole world as God’s arena and Satan’s theft for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on page 23.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---Arena of God’s work. Turtle religions are those who fear evangelism and disciple making processes and thus they insist by having influence in their governments to force other religions not to proselytize.

---Proselytize. Break up the word into pros- which is the Greek preposition for “towards” and elitize which is connected to elite. See the meaning of elite as beautiful people or higher class and the opposite as exclusive, then you know that it means to attempt to help people who are not beautiful in their spiritual lives to be beautufiul in spirit and not exclusive but helping other people.

---So the arena of God for His gospel is this world. Why? He created it. Daniel 4:17 says it belongs to Him.

---Therefore God puts up who should rule where and who not.

---But for a purpose. But for a specific time. When God decided stop, it is stop. If you resist He sends Michael the archangel or in easy terms, Jesus to change the world empires from Persians to Greeks.

---What we getting at here is that the world consists of pockets that are friendly to God of the Bible and pockets who are not.

---The powerplay among humans and nations and tribes and special interests are varied from continent to continent.

---You can put pamplhets of Amazing Facts in one country and in another they will arrest you.

---Go into all the world. God said.

---What about turtle ideologies streamlined by the Bible hater Karl Marx who was in his earlier years in Berlin the president of the drinking bar. Hello.

---Even though he studied Isaiah together with Friedrich Engels at university, and Engels wrote a Revelation commentary, they were agnostics and atheistic. No God in their life and governments.

---So you have atheists and agnostic countries who worships…well…not God or any god but Marx. Hello.

---I was teaching students in Japan for English conversation who came from an exclusive country where they arrest you if you read the Bible in a hotel…and their stories about officials lives were very similar to that of Marx. Well….nobody knows and those who do, do not want to tell.

---That is what exclusive is. Something to hide. Why do you not want to see people? You have something to hide. Why do some refuse foreigners the freedom of movement in their countries? They have something to hide.

---They are scared, just like Satan is afraid that people will convert to God and it will change the establishment to all kinds of influences.

---Are people in your church feeling that the privacy and right of difference of opinion is too sacred for them to ask people to give up that and change to something more improved?

---If there is no appeal, or invitation or offering of pamphlet or book to change their lives, they will not change. Correct?

---So instead of hiding truth under a bushel…get to the Lighthouse.

---It is a liberating thing when you accept God in you life and share Him with others. You will feel free, happy, vigorous, meaningful.

---Richard Dawkins said that it is liberating thing when you give up believing in God. He said that to Ben Stein in an interview on Youtube I watched years ago.

---Wikipaedia said that Dawkins was married four times. It is not wrong to get married four times if yo live longer than your spouse. Correct? My grandmother lived long after all her four husbands.

---My Grandmother was baptized in 1948 but Dawkins was not. My grandmother believed but Dawkins not.

---Are you baptized? Not by sprinkling when you knew nothing but by immersion when you made the choice?

---Not? Grab your phone and call an Adventist pastor nearest to you. When? Right now.