Remember me

sermon Sabbath 4 July 2009

koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

Sangju, Cheongi church

The criminal on the cross said to Jesus to remember him when He comes in His kingdom (Luke 23:42).

Obviously Jesus did not tell him, that today he will go to heaven alone, stay there three days and on Sunday night He will join him there.

It was his cell-phone call to Christ.

In the book of Nehemiah we learn of a similar calling to Christ.

Nehemiah 1:5

Nehemiah 1:11

Nehemiah 4:4

Nehemiah 5:19 Remember me, O my God . . .

Nehemiah 6:9

Nehemiah 6:14 Remember, O my God . . .

Nehemiah 13:14 Remember me for this, O my God ...

Nehemiah 13:22 Remember me, O my God . . . .

Nehemiah 13:29 Remember them, O my God . . .

Nehemiah 13:31 Remember me, O my God . . .

Like the criminal on the cross, Nehemiah had his cell-phone to heaven ready whenever in stress.

In Nehemiah 8 they kept a festival and the first day was called holy. The 8th day was also holy. Let's assume it was Sunday the first day and Sunday the eighth day. Does that mean that Nehemiah changed his mind and is now keeping Sunday as Holy Day? Nehemiah 8:9 and Nehemiah 8:18

Answer to the question: Nehemiah 9:13-14 "You made known to them Your Holy Sabbath"

Nehemiah 13:15-19

As a result of the Sabbath stress, Nehemiah grabbed his cell-phone to God and called.

Our cell-phone to God is the Bible, our prayers and our relationship with Him through all this.

Dear God, remember me also when You come in Your Kingdom. Remember me also when stress abounds.


Response from dr. Hans LaRondelle



Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 2:16:32 PM

To:  kootvanwyk


Good to read your thought on "remember," dear Br. Koot.  I have seen this verb often on the OT in prayers to God.

Each time it indicates a supplication for divine action.  Hannah was "remembered" by the Lord and she became  pregnant in return.  Samson suffered with shame while in captivity and standing between two main pillars in a pagan temple, he cried : 'Remember me one more time, Lord.'  God answered with a new act of empowering for Samson. etc.  It seems to be a Hebrew synonym for, "Save me, Lord!"

Here is a sermon theme to illuminate our constant dependence on divine power.

When God says, "Remember the Sabbath day," He therefore means to say more than recollect the day but: get up and worship Me!


Thanks for the exchange


In Christ,

Hans LaRondelle


Response from my father


From:  Louis Van Wyk

Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 3:21:45 PM

To:  Koot Van Wyk


Ek het jou preek Remember me gelees en vind dit baie goed , as ons maar net onthou om soos hy ons toevlug altyd na GOD te neem .

Ons dra soms lank ons bekommernis met ons terwyl ons dit na GOD kan neem want HY sorg vir ons .HY is gedurig gewillig om ons te help maar ons gebruik HOM altyd as die laaste uitkoms .

Ek se vir iemand vrydag die Onse VADER se dit gee ons vandag ons DAAGLIKS brood  , dit se nie ons brood vir die week of maand nie ,maar daagliks want GOD wil he ons moet elke dag na HOM kom met alles . Ons moet daagliks met HOM kontak maak .

Soos jy elke dag met my kontak maak dan voel jy nie so ver van my af nie en ek weet elke dag wat jy gedoen het en wat jy plan vir more .Dit maak dinge so wonderlik so moet ons kontak met GOD ook wees . HY moet elke dag van ONS hoor wat ons planne is en ons ,  moet SY advies vra . Soms vergeet ons hoe belangrik daardie koneksie tussen ons en GOD vir ons werklik is .


Liefde Pa


5 Julie 09