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Studying Psalms in the series Lesson 1, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “How to read the Psalms and also how not to read the Psalms.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on pages 5-17.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---Psalms do not span the time between David and Ezra or the 10th century and the 5th century BC.

---Psalms starts with Moses in 1460 BC in Midian writing Psalm 90.

---The correct view is that the Psalms span the time between 1460 BC and Ezra in the 5th century BC. Thanks. Both the SS teacher and the Teacher’s help from Montemorellos stands under review here.

---It appears to me from the first chapter of our lesson book, that you will have to download my Guide to Psalms and use it additionally to prepare the lessons.

---Why? Psalm 110 is not a “Royal Psalm”. It is “Messianic”. Adventists do not believe that it is referring to the kingship of David but to the enthronement of Christ by the Father as the New Testament repeatedly pointed out. It has nothing to do with David.

---In my Guide online I provided 10 non-Adventist views of Psalm 110 shortly. I am not promoting myself. I am asking Adventists to be Adventists and not AI mirrors.

---Do not mirror Catholic books or Jewish books on Psalms for us.

---Do not play around with Chiasms between Psalms. As if Psalm 15 and Psalm 24 forms a chiasm for entrance hymns. And that in the center is Psalm 19 for Revelation: Creation and Torah.

---In the time of Jewish Mysticism in the 17th century AD, the Kabbala movements were counting the letters or verses of the Old Testament to find all kinds of messages beyond the written word. Keep in the text please.

---The Psalms are not chronological but what the Montemorelos professor want to say, is that the collections of Psalms were added on by scribes chronologically in their times successively. If this is true one should not find near Psalm 150 a Psalm of David from the 10th century BC. Correct?

---What the two Adventist teachers did not mention is the language of the Psalms. There are hapax legomena or rare words in the Psalms.

---M. Dahood tried to use Ugaritic to discover their meanings. He also tried to find phrases similar in the Baal cycles at Ugarit of ritual text found near the Dagon temple to see correlations for a better understanding. We call it not better. It is Ugaritic-mania.

---What happened is that when Israel arrived at the Jordan, there were religious and secular Habiru together. So the religious Habiru entered Canaan in 1410 BC and settled in Israel.

---The secular Habiru went up to Rash Shamra or Ugarit and settled there for business reasons. But, in their “pockets” were Moses “hymns” and liturgical knowledge that rubbed-off by intermarriage on the heathens and similar hymns than in the collected Psalms that we study can be seen sometimes. Not exactly but phrases here and there. Plagiarized Hebrew Moses hymns as Baal hymns in Ugaritic language.

---The Ugaritic texts dates between 1405 BC to 1250 BC. Israel entered Jordan at the year of Moses’ death in 1410 BC. Hello Dahood.

---There are sometimes Phoenicianisms in the Psalms. That is, that a Phoenician linguistic item or spelling is used instead of a Hebrew or Aramaic one.

---There are Aramaisms in the some Psalms.

---What our teachers missed in their explanation is that Zion is not Jerusalem hill of David. Zion in the Psalms is “heavenly Zion”. Jerusalem is “Heavenly Jerusalem” sometimes.

---When it is talking of the dwelling place of God, it is not the physical hill in current Jerusalem. It is heavenly Zion. There is a heavenly mountain on which God’s throne is. See the Great Controversy Theme in Isaiah 14:12-14 touching on this issue of the mountain.

---Please consult also H. LaRondelle’s book on Deliverance in the Psalms. He also fell victim to the concept of making things Davidic at times and said that Christ plagiarized Davidic Psalms and then converted them into Messianic to apply to Himself. Be careful of those statements of LaRondelle. Otherwise he is good information.

---Consult please also the SS archive on Psalms since 1895-2023. Look at older SS books dealing with Psalms.

---Adventists have a special message given by God to them and their understanding of the Prophecies are also extrapolated from the Psalms. Do not miss the eschatological charts in the Psalms.

---The Psalms are wisdom, music, worship, letters, prayers, hymns, emotional laments, prophecies, history, poetry, narrative from God and narrative from humans. These are all mixed at times with a selective approach of here a little and there a little.

---So what should we do? Study. Study. Study. It is rewarding for the soul.

---Study Guide necessary for a proper Adventist view of Psalms