The morning Manna will be provided at 6am. Thanks.

Studying Mission in the series Lesson 5, may the Holy Spirit be the speaker to your heart.

The Topic today is: “Mission as overcoming your excuses for Morning Manna of the Sabbath School Lesson Mission”.

The Opening Hymn will be 229 "Spirit of the Living God."

The Sabbath School Quarterly, downloadable from in the Teacher's Edition is on pages 63.

The site allows anyone, anywhere to read the lesson in their own language. Choose your own language to see God speaking also to your heart.

Why do you not click on this now?

---The topic is still Jonah but today it is excuses.

---Excuses not to do something for the Lord.

---In his book Our High Priest, Adventist systematic theologian Edward Heppenstall in chapter 7 on Judgment According to Works, wrote that thought alone is not enough.

---It is not enough to just think that we want to save people. Action is required.

---Quantity of action is not required. It is not how much but that you participate.

---To be available is also action.

---To be there is action.

---Expounding from Ellen White and the Bible, Heppenstall said that works take a man further than his thoughts (7 line 15).

---A deed is better or worse than the idea (7 line 16).

---To give your life to good works is more Christian than wishing (7 line 16).

---Loving thoughts are good for the thinker but loving works affect more (7 line16).

---Desire for the Word of God but no study cannot fulfill spirituality (7 line 18).  

---There is no room for antinomian thought that wants to abrogate the Law of God (7 line 19). There are many churches that are actually preaching the end of the law every week for their congregations creating a cheap gospel. Paul said in Romans that he is not canceling the law by grace. God forbid. He said. Correct?

---The status of salvation is by Grace only but the fitness of salvation is a proof of that status (7 line 30).

---In this Heppenstall is the same as the Anabaptists.

---Practice and biblical theology should go together, the Anabaptists were teaching in 1524 by Hans Denck when they were persecuted for saying that.

---Hans Denck the Anabaptist of 1524 said: “No man may truly know Christ, except he follows him in life’ [mit dem Leben]”.

---Compare Heppenstall Our High Priest chapter 12 here: “The knowledge of biblical Truth requires more than mere thinking”. And also” “Through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, God addresses man personally. He calls for an intelligent personal involvement in harmony with the teachings revealed in the Word.”

---So this is the issue. Are you ready to follow Christ?

---This is how the world works around you. If you follow Christ you have thousands of angels to protect and help you with all your needs.

---If you do not follow God and are agnostic or atheistic, and refuse to think anything religious or God, you put yourself in the domain of Satan and his angels.

---You say, I want to be neutral. I do not choose either Satan or Christ. Sorry. It does not work that way. You will soon find out.

---Since everyone sins, the problem in life is how to solve your conscience problem. Faith does. Non-faith does not. Correct?

---So what is your next step? Grab the phone and navigate this Sabbath on Saturday morning to the nearest Adventist Church near you. Why? Become a follower first and then a missionary about your following joy. Correct?

---When? Immediately. Now.